There are two ways to visit the past, the first one, that everyone knows, is using the time machine, the second one is, what #EgyptTeam discovered, which is visiting Cairo’s oldest street. If you can’t find time machine nearby, so this post is for you because visiting “Almoez Ldin Allah Alfatmi” street will surely take you 1000 years back.
Once you arrive nearby, the old and huge wall of the old town of Cairo will start to appear and the smell of the past will start to invade your nose, so it’s time to park your car and start your trip to the past. “The best place to start your visit is through Al-futuh Gate (Bab al-Futuh) as it’s easy to find parking for the car”
Egypt Google local guides started to gather as planned at 12:30pm in front of Futuh gate and everyone was excited to get behind the walls of the old town of Cairo to discover what is hidden inside.
Once we entered from the gate of al-Futuh we had to talk 750M to arrive at Sultan Qalawoon complex which include mosque, school and hospital, as this is the place from where you get the tickets that allows you to go inside 10 unique places at this splendid street. “please note that there are more places to be visited in the same street with a separate tickets but its not possible to visit all this location in one day”
When you go back in time 1000 years you will notice two things:
- Kings, princes and leaders who sued to govern Egypt at this time had some unique type of competition which seems to be charitable one, you will notice tens of mosques built by different key characters of the history of this part of the world and each mosque has schools and student residence and sometimes large hospitals in addition to many guest houses that used to serve water and food for free.
- You will also notice sense of perfection and taking care of each small detail; Almost every place we saw in the street has clear finger prints of a very talented artists who used handicrafts techniques.
While walking in this magnificent street, you will have the opportunity to watch some the most rare and delicate handicrafts arts such as engraving on copper,
two artisans making some beautiful art at their work shop.
Before you finish your trip at the past, I would advice you to buy a memory that can remind you, in the future, about this wonderful trip. but take care because bargaining is one of the most important rules for shopping from there.
If you would like to see more photo and even some street view photos captured by #TeamEgypt so press here.
Do you have any idea about the oldest street in your town??? why don’t you visit it with your fellow local guides !!! and show us how it looks like.
Last but not least, I would like to express big gratitude to the Egyptian local guides team who came and also contributed with their photos here at this post and at the photo album as well. Many thanks to: @NABILazeez @AhmedLotfy @AbdullazizA @MarwanTawansy @AbdelrahimIsmail @MohamedAhmedAl Kilany
@Mahmoud Mekky @ERFAN_ALSENOSY @AnasMohamed @ShadySalama @samehmostafa @sherifsalem
and all the @TeamEgypt who made it successful meet-up.