[RECAP] Bogor Local Guides Photowalk 2023.

This Photowalk is planned to start from Wihara Dhanagun along Suryakencana Street to Vihara Cin Te. at Jalan Siliwangi about 7.4 kilometers and can be reached in one and half hours.

Jalan Suryakencana is well known as a Chinatown, where Bogor trading activities centralize here like buying and selling, tobacco, cigarettes, salty fish, palm oil, daily groceries. Because of all these activities years ago this street was named Jalan Perniagaan or Trading Street.

Nowadays Jalan Suryakencana still has plenty of wholesalers, but is well known for its culinary street. We can do photowalks taking pictures of old buildings, and culinary spots, while we see the festival.

I got an invitation by The Cap Go Meh Bogor Street Festival 2023 Organizing Committee to all Bogor Communities and Bogor Local Guides as one of them.

On the day of the meet-up, @bobbyprabawa came earlier to the meeting point, then me and my wife came at noon and communicated with others via whatsapp group. Still fine.

Take a picture of Bobby, me and my wife.

Start taking some videos and photos inside Vihara Dhanagun, and take free lunch provided by Vihara Dhanagun Fried Rices and special menu for this event Lontong Cap Go Meh.

At 2:30 pm I take the Pass card so I can take video and photos from the special area during The Bogor Street Festival CGM 2023 event.

At 3 pm the area became full of Bogor citizens who enthusiastically wanted to participate in this biggest event after Pandemic Covid - 19.

Bogor seized this street festival for two years.

@DeeDesty takes half an hour to move from Lawang Suryakencana to meet me in the Press Area. I can pass her her name tag so she can freely walk around The Festival.

I share all the activities of the Photowalk.

Sundanese Welcome Dance :

Young Generation who passing the cultural heritage :

Lantern Parade :

Umbrella dan Joli

Liong or Dragon Dance

Ogoh ogoh representing Balinese Community in Bogor City

Ondel - Ondel from Betawi, Jakarta and Depok.

Marching Band From Bogor Military Defence University :

Enthusiastic of Bogor People :

Hope @MutiahA and @RiverDefender can share your experience here too.


Komunitas Bogor LG mendapat suguhan acara yang luar biasa, terima kasih om @BudiFXW telah berbagi keseruan sobat Bogor LG dalam menikmati festival, sangat informatif

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Sama sama pak @PaDeSSo

Salam kangen.

Kapan keBogor lagi ?

Sehat selalu ya pak.

Sslalu menjadi inspirasi kami pak, Bogor Local Gudes.

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Wah keren Om Bud. Ada foto kita bertiga. Om Bud, istri Om Bud, dan saya. Makasih Om Bud. :smiling_face:


Pengen ikutan pak…hihi sudah telat ya pak

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Biasa om @BudiFXW , turun naik, belum stabil harus tetap disiplin jaga kesehatan, ke Bogor itu sering ke saudara, cuma. gak bisa lama, namun ada teman pemilik usaha nasi rawon di Bogor minta dikunjungi.mungkin bisa meet up disana bersama bogor local guides


Siap pak, siap meluncur . Kapan meetu-upnya saya akan sesuaikan jadwal saya.

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Iya oom @bobbyprabawa , untung sempat ya, setelah itu wah padet banget , seneng liat antusiiasnya warga Bogor.

Hai @Mursyidin0307 .

Mudah mudahan tahun depan kita bisa connect dengan Panitia Pelaksana ya, yang pengen hadir dan meliput banyak banget, komunitas Local Guides aja dibatasi cuma lima.

Benar2 pengalaman luar biasa pak @BudiFXW perjuangan ambil Id card sampai 1 setengah jam, bukti kerja keras yang sepadan dengan hasilnya… Sebanding dengan foto-foto, cerita dan pengalaman yang di dapat. Pengalaman kali ini, jangan pernah menyerah! Walaupun hampir menyerah karena padatnya pengunjung, akhirnya berhasil juga menghadiri acara. Terima kasih banyak Pak… :pray:t2: :blush:

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Setiap perjuangan pastinada hasil yang menyenangkan @DeeDesty .

Sampai ketemu di acara tahun depan.