You can see all the results to click Peg Man at the right corner of the bottom in Desktop version Google Maps.(
PH.D Mr.Michael Usami took 6 videos(1 4K/30FPS + 5.4K/5FPS) with RICOH THETA V + Android OS Street View App. And I took only 1 video of 4K/30FPS like as Usami-san, also one shot by Ball Chain Trick + iPhone7.
Caption; Blue Line撮影中を撮影したメイキング・ビデオ
All the videos have been successfully converted to Blue Lines on Google Maps. Oops!, how about potaro67? Not to worry. He is the King of Blue Line on the globe. His works will be introduced later by himself.
- Our schedule;
2018.10.26 Fri. AM:Sunny day, PM:Cloudy
Usami-san & I(love_ikoma_toyo) meet at the Himeji port. David, Jake, Drew & team’s translator & coordinater Mr.Kashio(樫尾さん) joined us.
Caption; 左:樫尾さん(通訳)中央:David 右:宇佐美さんとJake 後ろに座り込んで準備中:Drew
Departure for Boze Is.
Caption; 船内で打ち合わせに余念がない撮影チーム。とても真剣で圧倒されました。
Arrival at the Naza port.
Shooting, filming YouTube ,interview & Hollywood.
Lunch at the local restaurant, Irodori-ya
Caption; ここは坊勢島のメインストリート、昼食後に撮影しました。
I took 2 shots inside the restaurant after lunch. Another detailed post is coming soon to Connect. Stay tuned.
We meet potaro67 at the Naza port.
Caption; ストリートビュー・カーの運転手、ようやく到着!これで面目が立ちます。
The King of Blue Line, potaro67 drove the temporary Street View Car to take videos around the island’s road.
potaro67さんの到着が遅れてヤキモキしていました。なにせ、当方は慣れないハリウッドで疲れ気味。撮影の意欲を失っておりました。このままでは、肝心のBlue Lineは港周辺のみ。帰り船の出港時刻が迫る中で、なんとか周回ルートの撮影を完成、さすが、"King of Blue Line"ですね。
Depart the Naza port.
Arrival at the Himeji port. We split up here.
David and his team go to the next town. They are serious and enthusiastic people. Therefore, I wanted to cooperate as much as possible with their filming.
Caption; 撮影しているアテクシを追いかけながら撮影するJake
- Next steps;
If you are an user of RICOH THETA V, it is very easy to make Blue Line on your favorite places/areas on Google Maps.
Next “Blue Line Meet Up” should be hosted by YOU.
- Index of Blue Line Meet Up in @Boze Is.
Please notify me when you find the related posts or replies. I will add it on the list above. And your comments and questions would be highly appreciated.
Stay connected!!