Today, Saturday, February 2, 2019, Batu local Guides held an event titled How To Be A Creator which was attended by 38 participants. The event, which was packaged in a sharing session format, brought the creative community of the Batu Adem Cinema, which contained young cinema activists in Batu City.
The event was opened by a handicraft entrepreneur who was also a member of Batu Locl Guides, Zaenal Arifin. Representing PLUT & KUMKM officials, he expressed his gratitude to Batu Local Guides who held an event for entrepreneurs in Batu City. Then followed by an introduction, about the Batu Local Guides community.
The sharing session was started with knowledge about the steps in making cinema and video-making techniques, using cameras and mobile phones. Members of the Batu Adem Cinema take turns giving explanations and demonstrations. Then the program continued with question and answer, which was enthusiastically welcomed by the participants. The event was closed by having lunch together and taking pictures together in one corner of the PLUT & KUMKM Building.
This event does not stop here. Next week, a follow-up event will be held with the practice of making videos in two different places. Thus, participants are expected to get better knowledge to make better videos to upload to Youtube.
sesuai temanya How to be a creator,pada meet up kali ini banyak sekali ilmu yang saya dapat,membuat video ternyata diperlukan teknik teknik pengambilan gambar yang tepat sehingga hasilnya bisa maksimal,diantaranya tentang pencahayaan,posisi pengambilan gambar dan obyek yang diambil.Ilmu ini sangat penting bagi Local Guides supaya video yang kita bikin bisa menarik,enak dilihat,detail dan informatif.
sesuai temanya How to be a creator,pada meet up kali ini banyak sekali ilmu yang saya dapat,membuat video ternyata diperlukan teknik teknik pengambilan gambar yang tepat sehingga hasilnya bisa maksimal,diantaranya tentang pencahayaan,posisi pengambilan gambar dan obyek yang diambil.Ilmu ini sangat penting bagi Local Guides supaya video yang kita bikin bisa menarik,enak dilihat,detail dan informatif.