♿ [RECAP]: #AccessibleBengal Nakunda 2.0 : Nakunda Haat-Bazar

Hello Local Guides,

This is the recap post of accessible meet-up which was hosted on 18th November,2020.

Time of the meetup was : 7A.M. - 1P.M. (IST).

During the meet-up Nakunda Bazar area was being visited and :

  1. Check the accessibility of the parking area.
  2. Check the accessibility of entry ways.
  3. Check the accessibility of small shops.
  4. Check the accessibility of buying vegetables.

Thank you so much for joining with me virtually.

Accessible Bengal :
#AccessibleBengal is a Local Guides campaign in West Bengal by West Bengal Local Guides to improve the accessibility on Google Maps by providing information.
Read more about #AccessibleBengal

Also you can join in Accessible Bengal facebook page and page link is HERE .

Regarding the above mentioned criteria here is some collages. Each one is marked with wheelchair accessible icon " :wheelchair: " with marking " :heavy_check_mark: " as for Passed and " :x: " for Failed.

  • :wheelchair: :heavy_check_mark: Accessible of entry ways at the Haat.
  • :wheelchair: :heavy_check_mark: Accessible of small shop.
  • :wheelchair: :heavy_check_mark: Wide area for Wheelchair parking.

  • :wheelchair: :heavy_check_mark: Selling and buying vegetables area is accessible.
  • :wheelchair: :heavy_check_mark: Shaded-area is accessible.
  • :wheelchair: :heavy_check_mark: Selling of fish and meat area is accessible.

In Nankunda village disabled persons also go market and buy vegetables, fish, meat and also clothes. So, in this area it is necessary to make accessible , so that they can enjoy entirely.

This meet-up was a part of Accessible for All Movement and under #AccessibleBengal campaign.

Best regards,



Thank you for virtually joining with me from Bangladesh

  1. @ShahMdSultan
  2. @SolaimanHossain

It was a great time. Hope after few months we will able to meet with you all.

Also, thanks @TusharSuradkar for your amazing concept on accessible sticker ( :wheelchair: ) with Pass ( :heavy_check_mark: ) and Fail ( :x: ) mark.


Thank you to all who had joined virtually with me from my own countryIndia :india:

  1. @Tejal
  2. @RosyKohli
  3. @TPattanaik
  4. @TravellerG
  5. @Anil6969
  6. @PritishB
  7. @Vprakashchat
  8. @AmbrishVarshney
  9. @NareshDarji
  10. @Shrut19



Your photos and writing have clearly explained how much important this haat bazar is to the local people, and so why accessibility is also important for this place. Wonderful recap @KalyanPal . Just keep going. Your effort will really help the needy people surely with the blessings of almighty.

Will try to be there with you in your next meetups at Kolkata.




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Dear @KalyanPal

This is a wonderful effort to assess an entire market area for accessibility and you have done this exceptionally well.

Congratulations on the success of this meetup :+1:

My best wishes for the next episode.

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Thank you @PritishB dada for your valuable comment. Your comments really inspire me all time to do something new.

Have a nice day!



Thank you @TusharSuradkar dada for your valuable comment. Your guidance really help me to do better.

Stay safe.

Have a nice day!


@KalyanPal You are doing so great for Google Maps accessibility. It seems successfully you have done this village haat Accessibility Meet-Up.

Keep doing this…

Happy Guiding!


Thank you so so much @ShafiulB dada for your valuable comment. I get more energy from your inspirational comments.

Have a nice day :blush:


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Great recap @KalyanPal da . You are doing great .

Keep rocking like a rockstar .


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Thank you @ShahriarAzadEvan dada for your strong-effect comment.

Have a nice day!




Thanks for inviting @KalyanPal da,

proud to be associated with this noble mission

my best wishes

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Thank you @Anil6969 dada for your valuable comment.

Your virtual presence made me happy. :blush:


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@KalyanPal it was my pleasure to be part of your meet-up. You are doing amazing work for West Bengal Local Guide. keep it up


Thank you @KalyanPal


Thank you @TPattanaik dada for your valuable comment. When I able to virtually connect with you, it always makes me happy.

Have a nice day.


Thanks for your invitation my friend from Kolkata, wish will very soon we will be able to arrange an physical meet up after pandemic.

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Yes, I am also eagerly waiting for physical meet-up. Hope next year it’ll be possible and I am ready.

Are you ready @SolaimanHossain dada ?
