I conducted this meetup on the occasion of the 5th Birthday of Connect.
This was my first accessibility meetup after relocating to Pune and overall 23rd Accessibility meetup having conducted 22 meetups previously 11 each in Gurugram and Delhi.
The meetup invite was published on AllEvents.IN and the location was the Reliance Smart Point shopping mall on DSK Vishwa Road in Dhayari, Pune.
Here were the goals of the meetup:
- Check the accessibility of the main entrance.
- Check the availability of ramps at the entrance.
- Check the accessibility of the aisles in the mall.
- Check the accessibility of the washroom/toilet if any.
- Check the accessibility of the parking space.
- Check the accessibility of the elevators.
Here are my findings:
1. Accessibility at the Main Entrance
The shopping mall has accessible parking in front of it as seen in this storefront photo where the DSK Vishwa Road is leveled-off with the parking space nicely to facilitate the entry of a wheelchair.
2. Availability of ramps at the entrance
A nice long and wide ramp is available to facilitate the entry of a wheelchair into the shopping mall.
3. Accessibility of the aisles in the mall
The aisles were wide and hindrance-free to easily allow 2 wheelchairs to cross each other.
4. Check the accessibility of the washroom/toilet if any.
I did not find any washroom or toilet for the customers so no check could be performed.
5. Check the accessibility of the parking space.
Here is the side view that clearly shows the nice ramps leading from the main road to the parking space.
6. Check the accessibility of the elevators.
The store being on the ground floor there were no elevators but there was one on the backside of the store for the store personnel to access and it was not accessible since the stairs leading to the elevator did not have an adjoining ramp nor any railings making it impossible to those with limited mobility to access the elevator.
Overall Impression
The accessibility features at the Reliance Smart Point shopping mall were very impressive, especially for the customers.
This meetup was part of the Accessibility for All initiative built collectively by the host and Accessibility Champions in India including @KalyanPal and @PritishB