[Recap] Accessibility Walk - DBI

Last weekend presented in itself an opportunity for local guides in Lagos to meetup via the accessibility walk - DBI and as always we showed up in numbers, what this tells is that local guides in Nigeria are passionate in anything they find themselves doing and i am using this opportunity to celebrate every local guide in Lagos. Thank you for guiding others.

Our walk was centred around the Nigerian Armed Forces Resettlement Centre - NAFRC, Oshodi, Lagos.

Our major target was: The Digital Bridge Institute - DBI and Federal Nigerian Society For the blind. We also added other Federal government facilities as this axis is majorly filled with Federal government buildings, e.g Federal Institute of Industrial Research - FIIRO, Nigerian Meteorological Agency - NIMET, LASEMA Rescue Unit - LRU, Cappa, and other federal government businesses, landmarks and buildings to the map.


International Centre for Information Technology and Communication Studies founded in May, 2004. Launched in the wake of phenomenal worldwide growth of the Telecommunications (Telecoms) and the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sectors, which were greatly well noted in Nigeria.

•Facilities In DBI and Accessibility:

There are lots of fun spots within DBI, this includes the sports pavilion, the spa, the gym, the swimming pool, and the guest house. However, the percentage of accessibility to most of these facilities is 50%. For example, The DBI guest house has an accessible entrance for people on wheelchair but limited to the ground floor, they have steps for the visually impaired but limited to few places like the gym, the spa and the swimming pool. So, it seems that some spots are with limited accessibilities.

B. Federal Nigerian Society for the Blind

This is the most accessible facility within this axis. All the buildings within this premises was constructed with outmost details to accommodate the needs of the virtually impaired. The lawns, landscape, and green environment makes this place a perfect place for rehabilitation.

• Federal Nigerian Society For The Blind and Accessibility:

The whole of the facility is well accessible, ranging from the classrooms, the vocational centre, the computer training centre, the library and the hostels which were also facilitated with ropes to aid their movement within the hostels. Seeing the blinds move freely within this facilities guided by sound was very emotional for me and a great inspiration.

For more pictures: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ePt6cyduNRxygdxy5

@ @Specobelle , @Olumide1 , @Showsilver , @abayomi, @geektutor , @MrLabule , @iGana , @DeniGu


It was a come out of the hiding for me as I can relate with all these with one form of disability or the other. Nd I’m glad I did with you guys under the scorching sun


Good work @AnitaAO !

Thanks for sharing!




Thank you @davidhyno and @MrLabule for your kind words.


@AnitaAO this was such a nice meetup, sad I missed out. Thanks for the pictures and cool write up.


Hi @AnitaAO ,

That’s a great recap! Very informative, straight to the point and with nice photos. I was also touched by your experience at the Federal Nigerian Society For The Blind and Accessibility.

The time and efforts Nigerian Local Guides put into organising accessibility meet-ups and mapping accessibility features in their areas are truly inspiring. Thank you!


Just seeing this now. Really had a nice time hanging out and taking pictures under the hot sun​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Thank you @DeniGu for showing interest in accessibility walk and supports you showed before the walk with your comments, you’re simply amazing!

@geektutor thank you for coming out to join us to improve the map under the sun.




@AnitaAO , I just get so excited when I see how readily Local Guides like you organise, and participate, in meet-ups related to mapping socially important features on Google Maps! You are the amazing ones for me. :slight_smile:


This is very nice and lovely gesture…thanks :muscle:


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