Recap : A Unity Walk (Balaganj, Malihabad, Sandila)

Hello Dear Local Guides Friends,

I am feeling very very happy that i’ve hosted 3 meetups in a day and suggested 150+ edits in a single day. Thanks to @AmbrishVarshney and other unity walk team members to giving local guides opportunity.
main agenda of this meetup was; small businesses were suffering a lot so we all Indian local guides helped these small businesses in Refocus, Rebuild & Renew their lives.
There was no fixed plan and because of rain I can’t visit many places but done my best.

Locations Where i hosted Meetups

  1. Malihabad, Lucknow
  2. Balaganj, Lucknow
  3. Sandila, Hardoi

Follow me on instagram : Abdullah Shahid


** @abd1711 **


thankyou for Sharing & hosting, its definitely useful for local…

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Congratulations @abd1711 on success of your 3 meet up. That’s great work. You have done great edit works i.e. 150+ that’s really awesome. Keep it up. Thank you so much :blush: .


Thank you so much for your great support to making this mission successful @abd1711