[RECAP] 36 Walk Mykolaiv Ukraine

Hi everybody!

This was my first Local Guides Meet-up, I would like to share with you my experience.

The @PaulPavlinovich 36Walk idea is really close to me, I fully support it. I agree that now it has become easy to take a photo, it does not cost anything. We add photos to GoogleMaps, often the quality of these photos is not so good. Because nowadays it’s easy to take a photo, just take a smartphone out of your pocket, click and can add.

Last year, I really wanted to participate in the 36Walk LGs Meet-up in San Francisco. Unfortunately my flight was later then had, and I missed the 36Walk.

After learning about the 36Walk LGs Meet-up this year, I immediately decided to join!

But… there were no other 36Walk nearby. I appreciate to @PaulPavlinovich for support! Paul dispelled my doubts that in any case I could participate as a leader or solo. Anyway, I decided to lead the 36Walk LGs Meet-up in Mykolaiv. I hoped that someone would join me.

This is my first LGs Meet-up. It so happened that no one LGs joined me. I invited my friends for a walk around the city. We often spend the weekend together, walking with children. But the weather made its adjustments… the day was windy and cold, we moved the walk to another time.

Therefore, I spent this day in my solo 36Walk. I was walking around my native city, taking photos, noticing something interesting. I walked along the pedestrian Sobornaya street from Central Street to Flotsky Boulevard and Embarkment (MyMap). I was warmed by a mug of hot cappuccino in the coffee house Muka.

I saw my vibrant city waiting for spring! I would like to share with you my 36 Walk Mykolaiv Album

Lets meet-up!!!

Good luck to all!


You achieved @JaneBurunina :+1:,
We often experience running alone. Someday your exchange meet-up will surely develop!

Your flag is connected with Japan and Taiwan🚩


Wow! Local Guides flags union!
Thank you very much @YasumiKikuchi ! I appreciate your support Yasumi san!


Big up to you @JaneBurunina , it is not easy and is time consuming but if you plan and organize your self it becomes more easier next time and you learn from your previous hosted meetups. Well done!


Thank you @Raphael-Mahumane

I think the same. We get experience in practice.


Well done @JaneBurunina !

Don’t be too sorry for the number of participants: that’s how we all learned to count … 1,2,3 … and now no one stops us! You’ll see that from the next Meet-Up you’ll be in good company!




Wow! What a great Recap, hope you enjoyed a lot :slight_smile: @JaneBurunina

Good luck for the upcoming meet ups in your city. :hugs:

Have a good day and Best of luck for Connect Live 2019 application :v:


It is great @JaneBurunina

Excellent post!Very nice city -Mikolaev.

I wish you good success in everything!

Best wishes and good luck!


congratulations Dude… you achieved… you will be a inspiration in your area… surely you will have a N number of Group members in your next meet up…


Thank you my dear friends @davidhyno @helga19 and @IshantHP_ig for your supporting and good wishes!

I look forward to see you @helga19 and @davidhyno on the 2nd European Meet-up in Ghent, Belgium!

Let’s guide!



thank you @VijayaPrabhakaran I think it will be!

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You’r always welcome @JaneBurunina you are such a nice person and a dedicated Local Guide. I wish more and more local guides from your country will join you definitely in the upcoming European meet up.

@helga19 @davidhyno

Good luck my dear friend, see you soon! Dr. Jane :wink:


Hi @JaneBurunina I’m glad you went ahead with the walk on your own because even though no-one joined you (this really does happen to everyone at some point during their Meetup career including me) you still achieved the objectives of creating a Meetup and taking part in the #36walk.

Perhaps if we’re both fortunate enough, we can do a 36 in San Jose :slight_smile:

Thank you for having a go.


count me too… :slight_smile:

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Wish you good luck in organaizing that)

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Thanks for your initiative@JaneBurunina,

nice shot indeed.



One of the best meetup it’s looking . Keep it up. Photos are looking cool. @JaneBurunina thanks for share with us.


One person is also precious. Great that you’ve made it.

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Thank you @YuliiaZa for kind words!