The meet-up was meant to equip us for drawing roads and also to prepare us for our big event coming up soon on the-23rd-March-event. . Indeed we are gathering clues and information to launch out. Please feel free to join because We want you !!+
@ErmesT was our guest and of course he is also the number one man on roads now followed closely by @Lukas_1 . That’s beside the point. The meet-up was well attended,with about 25 local guides of whom are 3 moderators was well worthwhile. The one hour meet-up passed very quickly. We concluded by saying we needed more meet-ups like this. We will plan to organise one very soon all things being equal. The very few points of the meet-up are as follows;
Approval vs Rejection: Has been noted by many individuals (but we’re talking about “Professional Roaders”)that the approval procedure has significantly increased in speed. Despite this, some have highlighted that there are still significant issues with “Not Approved Edits.” Some examples of “correct activity” were proposed and shown to try to achieve a very high approval rate: a) Concentrate edit activities in a specific area b) Make simple, not complex, changes. c) Be mindful of potential obstacles such as shadows, trees, or private areas. d) Ermes emphasized that the consistency of work and the quantity of submitted edites can also have an impact. In fact, for those new to this editing activity, they may have to wait a long time before seeing their changes approved. e) In addition, there has been discussion of the possibility that the system (Google) during the approval process chooses which edit to analyse based also on the geographical position / activities / people living in that area. This is because resources are limited.
Approval Time: It goes upto 90 days so Roaders need to wait. And in some cases if it gets rejected, after re-submitting there is a high chance of getting it approved.
Morten reports having a very low approval rate of around 24%
How to keep track of areas for modifications?
One problem many “Roaders” face is keeping track of editing made and interesting areas where they want to work / edit on. Everyone has their own way of memorizing areas. Ermes prefers to directly bookmark areas of interest in Google Maps.
How to search for areas?****Sometimes one wonders where to find areas to modify? Ermes has shown his method, which involves searching through real estate company listings selling lands or plots of will lands.
Morten, in a more pragmatic manner, has raised some concerns about the tools we have available for such a delicate task: creating or modifying. He will conduct a survey to understand what the most pressing needs are for the “roaders” and will bring them to Google’s attention.
interesting idea has been to propose a “Badge” for the “Roaders.” The idea would be to have a badge on multiple levels not only based on the quality of roads made but also on the number of kilometers traveled.There could be some criteria to provide roaders badge if at all in future such badge is there. Like other badges levels need to be determined like Beginers, Expert and Master.
From here, from the idea of kilometers, it was noted that in GMAPS to date, it is not possible to know how many kilometers of new roads we have created
@SholaIB It was a great and helpful meet-up. I also participated in this meet-up my name is omitted. However, we need more such meet-ups with a road map.
Thank you so much for the recap @SholaIB . With 25 Guides, I think you have proof that there is a demand for this kind of educational session. May I humbly request one that is timed for those of us in the West? For myself, @jayasimha78 , and @LightRich - all participants of the first TRAC Meet - this event fell in the overnight hours. I think you’d find an audience from South America to Canada (aside from the early bird, @TerryPG ) if we could start a few hours later.
I’m excited for this year’s TRAC. I think we’re going to exceed expectations again!
Thanks a lot @PrasadVR for tagging and reminding me. I am much appreciated.
These days I am too busy and I haven’t enough time to check Connect and even Maps, but it was a pleasure to attend this meetup and review road editing.
To @SholaIB I 100% agree with @JustJake 's idea of backing it up 3-5 hours to allow the western Continent guides the opportunity to attend. I know @Rednewt74 would have attended if it was at a reasonable time for us. I don’t think I could do another 3.00 A.M. this would still be afternoon or evening time for guides in Europe and India.
Yes SholaB it’s much easier to fly over the roads in my private spaceship.
Thank you for positive responses on this meet-up. Just a comment on your spaceship background before I continue. Lol. Google maps doesn’t working space for now or any other planned. Or does it? Lol. Stay on the earth and ee can draw roads.
Well yes another meet-up is not only necessary but will be very useful for TRAC 2024. We can arrange another one in 2 weeks(Saturday 23rd???)and we can fix it at a timing that will be convenient for those soliciting for it. Please feel free to suggest the time and I’ll make the necessary moves for another meet-up
@SholaIB I agree with your suggestion to have another meet-up on Saturday 23rd. Let’s find a time that works well for everyone. Our TRAC friends are welcome to share their thoughts on the date and time in the comments.