“Where there’s a will, there’s a way”
Is reaching 50M views with 4817 photos good or too many
(currently average is 10,401 views / per photo)?
Hooray I did it 3 days before my expectation thank god according to
“I’ll be traveling to Gold Coast, QLD, Australia 13th January again next year and hope to hit 50 million before that according to my current speed”, the quote from Reaching 40 Million Views on the 154th Guide Day just 20 days ago on 21st Dec 2024.
However, there’s still a lot more that I need to learn from intellectual local guides out here, especially the operation of the Google AI on Google Maps Photos.
Besides, today is the end of the semester and can’t wait to travel to my utopia, Gold Coast, Australia again!
That’s amazing guiding @Porex_2107_2024 and what’s even more amazing is that from what I can see, you gained some 40 million views since end September. Well done you. Indeed “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” and you most definitely have the will. You can certainly learn a lot from others in this community
In the meantime, you deserve a holiday and what better place to have it than at the beautiful Gold Coast, QLD, Australia but keep guiding, keep contributing and keep achieving.
10,000 views per photo is amazing @Porex_2107_2024 , the numbers are incredible and inspiring, I am at 105mn with 25k photos which makes the count 4,000(approx) views per photo