Re-uploading someone's Photos

I have uploaded above image when I got to visit Local Guide Conversation at Delhi. Above image is from Purana Quila. My upload photo in maps : link .

When I casually check this place today in Maps, I found out a similar photo like me uploaded just 2 months ago from a different account. Link to that photo.

I have seen local guides uploading downloaded photos of other local guides of tourists attracted places. Isn’t it concerning? Going to tag @ErmesT and @TusharSuradkar to look into it!


Photos and videos must be original and as far as I know uploading images are against policy @Rahul001 . It must be reported as spam .


What you said is correct but does AI detect the similar photos? Most tourist attracted places have this as people download images from local guides who originally took the images and re-uploads it!

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It’s very sad. Bro, I have some problem regarding map deletion by someone, even they not visited the place.


This is quite common @Rahul001
One can easily verify that the photos are identical based on the dog and the man in the photo.
I have little or no knowledge of how to report this.
Maybe Ermes knows :smile:


That’s right Tushar, I already reported it but nothing has happened till now.


I spotted a few accounts with similar copy paste acts and strangely the account has massive views few photos had over million views and the photo alone had staggering hundreds of likes. I will try to find the photo and account. It was copy pasted from website to the Google maps.

I have reported this photo and the account you have mentioned.


It’s very sad to hear @Rahul001 that this thing happened to you. I hope it will be resolved soon.


True @Trail_blazer . Other than uploading selfies, there’s a lot of original photos of local guides being stealing and re-uploading to Maps. I thought AI would recognise it or make it hidden. But we, the original owner of the photo should find our photos has been used or not!


This issue is still happening to most local guides @Shaunak . We wouldn’t know it until we came across the same photo.


Here is this guy uploading photos that copied from websites. The photo is featured at this POI and has staggering 235 likes and 500k views

All of his top 12 photos have some 800k likes and all are stolen. I did some reverse Google search and took me time to pin the photo.

Location an Island near North Antartica

French Southern and Antartica Lands


I reported this guy and the photo months ago and he is still mapping :rofl:


Very sad to see this @Rahul001
A while ago, @MortenCopenhagen did describe the same issue with one of his photos, but also how he was able to proof(!) and solve it. Need to search the post on Connect.


I think I also came across this Account while back. It would be good to have a form from team side for reporting stolen photos/videos from local guides/websites.

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It is indeed sad @WilfriedB . I only came across randomly and we can guess how many photos were stolen from active lgs. My photo was before below the first 10 photos and the duplicated photo was in first 10 photos of the place!


@MortenCopenhagen @TusharSuradkar @WilfriedB @Rahul001 @Trail_blazer @Shaunak @Trail_blazer @giteshsharma In this connection I also made a study with surprising results. For mere photos of 1278 having total views 186,527,457 with an average al 1,45,952 views going to be reported.for the following

Please note even AI cannot detect, a serious problem.



This is a very serious issue need immediate attention since such cheating going on for the past 2 years, may be similar issues, The difficulties in resolving is taken advantage. However it is of top priority for action. Since it is very clear against policy and there are difficulties in reporting each photos i already reported the Profile being against the policy.

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@Rahul001 this is the article, I mentioned earlier How to detect and report your photo got stolen , maybe you find some suggestions. If I remember correctly, Morten finally got it solved.


Es ist auf jeden Fall nicht richtig und mehr als traurig Fotos von anderen als die eigenen auszugeben @Rahul001
Jeder sollte doch eigene Fotos zur Verfügung haben und eine kleine Geschichte dazu :blush::pray: