Re:#monthly Topic Of December 2020 Fruits Power.


Hello LG friends.

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree: :gift: :snowflake: :santa:

Happy new year in advance.

You gave healthy topic Fruits.

I remember when I was small I didn’t like apple I used to say it has chemical. I heard my friend saying it has calcium but forgot word calcium & said chemical everyone used laugh & tease me.

"Apple a day keeps Doctor away ".

I make fruit salad mix all fruits put Chat Masala on it.

Custard decorated with fruits.

Take Vanilla ice cream mix chikoo cut strawberry :strawberry: banana, mango & serve it.

Caption: Collage fruits stall & watermelon juice & fruit salad.

Kids love Smoothie & juice :tropical_drink: .

Tip : don’t keep juice or smoothie for long time in fridge, you should drink it immediately. Because if we keep it long time taste changes & colour specially banana smoothie drink immediately.

I eat seasonal fruits, but Mango is my favourite fruit I store mango pulp in Tupperware & keep it in freezer but this year could not store it.

Benefits of fruits.

Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, and they are high in fiber. Fruits are also health-boosting antioxidants…

Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce a person’s risk of developing heart disease, cancer, inflammation, and diabetes
Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories.

Fruit with high water content is good & healthy to be eaten reduce weight likewater melon :melon: & Muskmelon

Fruits have nutrients ,Potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folic acid.

Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure.

I have blood pressure I eatPomegranate , :avocado: Avocados, watermelon Orange’s Kiwi, cherries, Guava, Banana

Link of fruits I buy from local person in my area.


@RosyKohli I love fresh chopped fruits sprinkled with chat masala, delicious. And you are right, if we eat fruits daily, we will have a better healthy life. :blush:


Hello dear @RosyKohli Ji

That’s a good one…


Few decades back, as a Naturopathy practitioner, I lived only on fruits alone for almost 3 years.

I love Kerala Bananas…

Your photos are tempting ones.

All the best…


@RosyKohli I love to eat all the seasonal fruits.

They are really delicious and healthy.

Additionally I also like to eat mixed fruit bowl and watermelon with rose milk :yum:


@RosyKohli I love fruits and fruits love me :wink: . Yeah I agree with you a 100% about fruits, their sweetness is a natural sugar very healthy. If you have sweet tooth get an apple! It’s easy to say than to do :pray:


@RosyKohli hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Yes, I also never used to like Apples, but now I like to add them in my diet. I usually add them on my oatmeal in the mornings. They work well in fruit salads. Happy new year in advance.


Very well written post @RosyKohli , the photo of the fruits also looks amazing. Fruits are really helpful to increase our immunity against diseases. You can read my post on this topic here. Thanks for sharing this nice post with us here. Regards.


Nice collage of an assortment of fruits @RosyKohli

I consume seasonal fruits, the more colorful the better :avocado: :apple: :kiwi_fruit: :cherries: :strawberry: :pear:



** @RosyKohli **

Wah, looking colorful eye-catching…

Thanks for Sharing…



Thanks for your kind words.

Happy new year in advance. Pray to God bless you & your family this new year bring happiness & new beginning all over the universe.



Thanks , good to hear you also like seasonal fruits to eat.

Happy new year in advance. Pray to God bless you & your family this new year bring happiness & new beginning all over the universe.



Thanks yes fruits increase our immunity.

Thanks for your kind words.

Happy new year in advance. Pray to God bless you & your family this new year bring happiness & new beginning all over the universe.



Thanks, yes Christmas was wonderful with decorations, & yummy food. Good to hear you add apple in oatmeal in your morning breakfast.

Happy new year in advance. Pray to God bless you & your family this new year bring happiness & new beginning all over the universe.



Thanks, good to hear you love fruits

Happy new year in advance. Pray to God bless you & your family this new year bring happiness & new beginning all over the universe.

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Thanks, good to hear you also like seasonal fruit & you have bowl of mix fruit with rose milk.

Happy new year in advance. Pray to God bless you & your family this new year bring happiness & new beginning all over the universe.

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Thanks ji, I was happy to read you had only fruits for 3 years that’s great.

Years years ago our Rishi Muni when did meditation used to have only fruits :pineapple: :apple: :strawberry: :grapes: .

Thanks you liked the photo.

Happy new year in advance. Pray to God bless you & your family this new year bring happiness & new beginning all over the universe.



Thanks good to hear you like to eat mix fruit with chat masala. This food is old when I was working in school was teaching lesson on fruits few students said they like only some fruits so took permission from principal & made fruit salad in school kids loved it.

Then everyone appreciate my concept.

Happy new year in advance. Pray to God bless you & your family this new year bring happiness & new beginning all over the universe.

Caption: making fruit salad in school.



** @RosyKohli **

Bless you & your family tooo dear Rosy…


Thank you for sharing, @RosyKohli . "Apple a day keeps Doctor away " is a good saying. It is not an apple but I’m eating fruit once a day as much as possible :blush:



Thanks good to hear you eat fruits. Even we eat fruits :pineapple: :apple: :strawberry: :grapes: it’s good for health.

Merry Christmas & Happy new year in advance. :christmas_tree: :gift: :snowflake: :santa: