Re : How to reinstate a POI which was permanently deleted.


I Have just found two POI’s which were deleted from Google maps due to my photo’s on them showing up now as Unknown Place.

From what I can tell they were deleted a few months ago.

Is there anyway for them to be reinstated with all their reviews and pictures.

Not sure why someone would delete them as one was a playground which has existed for years even before Google maps started.

Oh and @ CM’s whom removed them (,175.2825079,3a,75y,154.5h,88.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBIx7l68v8_xqO35GHs2n5g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 ) really the park still exists so not sure why your reviewer would of removed it.


I Have just found two POI’s which were deleted from Google maps due to my photo’s on them showing up now as Unknown Place.
From what I can tell they were deleted a few months ago.
Is there anyway for them to be reinstated with all their reviews and pictures.

Not sure why someone would delete them as one was a playground which has existed for years even before Google maps started.
Oh and @ CM’s whom removed them (,175.2825079,3a,75y,154.5h,88.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBIx7l6… ) really the park still exists so not sure why your reviewer would of removed it.

Hello @GenerolHavoc ,

You are referring to two POI’s those were removed from maps(as shown in your profile on photos section). Are you sure both POI’s were removed from maps?

On google maps if a place marked as doesn’t exist, it can no longer recovered. On the other hand if it is marked as permanently closed, then it can be marked as open.

Would you mind to share the both POI’s name with address?

Keep us updated.


Both places have been recreated though yes they were not marked as perm closed , they have been marked as doesn’t exist.

First one was Fairfield Park, the website link even shows it exists.

(,175.282489,18.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x6d6d198020cd3571:0x90937d69b3112b32!8m2!3d-37.7643899!4d175.282853 )

Second one was Waikune Prison which existed though is now closed and is a point of interest and place people here and there visit though shouldn’t of been removed either.

(,175.399691,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6d6b1d73f0e4c557:0x8e7cbdd49bc758c4!8m2!3d-39.2137696!4d175.4018797 )

New listings were made for both though why remove them in the first place.