Hello, may I ask what the purpose of a meet-up is?
Thanks, I’m new here
Hello, may I ask what the purpose of a meet-up is?
Thanks, I’m new here
Hi @Nikdiloreto A Warm Welcome in Connect, the Official Community of Google Local Guides.
A meet-up is an event, self organised by Local Guides, in which they (we) meet each other for a specific activity.
There are several type of meet-ups. You can find more informations in here: How to Organize a Local Guides Meet-Up.
Also please note that, being your post not related to the European Meet-up, I have moved it in a new thread
As this seems to be one of your first post in here, I take the opportunity to give you some information to know how to interact with the community:
Need Help?: The help area give you a lot of solutions if you need to “know how to …”
Explore the Forum menu, to see what the various sections are about. You will find many interesting parts regarding, for example, meet-up, or photographic technique.
Give to the post a descriptive title
Introduce yourself to the community, tell us about you.
As an extra tips, i would suggest you to Search the community before posting as the same subject can be already being discussed.
Welcome again, I hope to see you soon