Re: European Meet Up 2018/ Poland

Hello, may I ask what the purpose of a meet-up is?

Thanks, I’m new here :blush:

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Hi @Nikdiloreto A Warm Welcome in Connect, the Official Community of Google Local Guides.

A meet-up is an event, self organised by Local Guides, in which they (we) meet each other for a specific activity.

There are several type of meet-ups. You can find more informations in here: How to Organize a Local Guides Meet-Up.

Also please note that, being your post not related to the European Meet-up, I have moved it in a new thread

As this seems to be one of your first post in here, I take the opportunity to give you some information to know how to interact with the community:

As an extra tips, i would suggest you to Search the community before posting as the same subject can be already being discussed.

Welcome again, I hope to see you soon :slight_smile:
