Similar things have been reported by other local guides @KlausCM . It seems the algorithms that decide which pictures are shown on Maps and which not are somehow more selective now. So far I have not heard or read any good explanation for this.
I would avoid attempting to upload pics several times as this might in the end lead to duplicates in your account and that is said to be a reason for suspension.
Though of this. The thing is that it worked out in first attempt and the restaurant owners were pleased about the photos, so it worked. But then ‚some‘ photos were dropped, not sure why.
Any idea who to contact about the potential ‚suspension would be great.
Regarding contributing content that reflects your genuine experience following our Maps User Contributed Content Policy, please keep in mind that some of your contributions may be marked private if they do not adhere to our policies. When contributions are marked as private, they do not appear publicly. Please review our Community policy and the Prohibited and Restricted Content article.
Please also try to avoid double posting the same photos on Google Maps as this creates a big number of duplicates. Thank you.