June 10, 2021, 2:08pm
moi lors d’une randonnée en montagne de Tikjda à 2000 m d’altitude
Les véhicules sont garés à une hauteur de 1500 m d’altitude, c’est parti pour une randonnée de 3 heures 12km pour atteindre les 2000 m d’altitude
J’ai posté pas mal de photos sur mes réseaux sociaux de ma randonnée à Tikjda,en Algerie et je ne voulais pas vous en priver.
Dear @Mimito
Welcome to Connect!
Photos are look very beautiful, Thank you so much for sharing with us Amazing mountain photos.
I noticed that you are new here, So I want to share with you some articles to make your experience better in this worldwide Local Guides Community.
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I am sharing another link through which you can know how to write history on this photography How to tell a story through your photography
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Hello @Mimito ,
Your photos are beautiful! Thank you for sharing, is there any tips you would like to share with other Local Guides who might be interested to visit Lake Agulmim Tikjda?
I would like to inform you that since what you shared is related to your travel experience, I am changing the topic label of your post to Travel to keep Connect organized.
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Hi @Mimito
Welcome to connect!
You posted so many beautiful photos of Lake Agulmin Tikjda! Very cool place!
But we need more information about your photos and place to enjoy a lot reading your articles!
Have a nice day my friend!
Warm Greetings from Chittagong city
Bangladesh .
Pls click here to see my recent posts!!
June 10, 2021, 4:37pm
Merci beaucoup pour vos conseils super
June 11, 2021, 9:24am
@Mimito merci pour le partage de ces belles photos qui montrent la splendeur des paysages de notre pays.( Algérie)
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