Ragunan Zoo Photowalk

JAKARTA LOCAL GUIDES Meetup kali ini akan diadakan di Kebun binatang Ragunan, Pasar Minggu.


Acara meetup adalah photowalk dan piknik.
Hari : Minggu
Tanggal : 5 Maret 2023
waktu: 10.00 - 15.00

Meeting Point di pintu masuk, tiket menggunakan kartu JakCard.

Susunan Acara
09.30 - 10.00 Ketemu di pintu masuk
10.00 - 12.00 Masuk ke Ragunan
12.00 - 13.00 Piknik Makan Siang, istirahat sholat
13.00 - 15.00 Kandang Primata
15.00 selesai

Yang harus dibawa

  1. Bekal pribadi (bisa beli atau potluck)
  2. Jas hujan/payung

Dress.code : Baju Kuning atau kaos Kuning JLG
Isi form pendaftaran di https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FAlFlsls6sPSn_59V65Qsj7A68p00NwRWma6agObwF0/edit

Sampai ketemu!


Waw, satu lagi acara seru Jakarta Local Guides. Sukses ya mom @Ddimitra


Seru ini ya mba @Ddimitra . Batam apalah daya​:face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth: :rofl:


Congratulations, dear friend @Ddimitra

Wish you all the best…

Also wish you all the success in this great mission.

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Menarik nih mom @Ddimitra pengen ikutan



Woo zoo reminds my whole working in school used to take school kids to picnic to zoo & used to take my kids also it’s been years not visited to zoo.

Best wishes have lots of fun.dont forgot to take water bottle.


@Ddimitra I always love to visit Zoo and the places where I can explore the nature, from my childhood, and still I never miss the opportunity whenever I get to visit the zoo.

Lastly before covid , I visited Bangkok, and especially I visited Zoo there.

All the best for your meet-up Devi.


halo mas @br14n

Makasih ya dah mampir

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halo mbak @RatnaAthshz

Makasih ya dah mampir

mudah2an kapan2 bisa ketemuaaaaan

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hi @TravellerG

Thanks for supporting me in this post, really appreciate it!

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halo @Annisa1208

Makasih ya dah mampir

hi @RosyKohli

Thanks for supporting me in this post, really appreciate it!

hi @KashifMisidia

Im glad finally you see zoo in Bangkok.

Thanks for supporting me in this post, really appreciate it!

You are most welcome, dear friend @Ddimitra

