Road to the top peak of Marayong Tong hill to the campsite.
This picture was taken by PocoX2 in pro mode with the duration of 2 minutes.

It almost feel like the road to the way of the stars

Though it was a full moon night, the picture came out outstanding.
Marayong Dong is one of the hills in the Mirinja Range of Alikadam Police Station in Bandarban District. It is also known as Marayang Thong, Merai Thong Jadi, Maraing Thong etc.
Check out my another adventure in Bandarban 
Ali’s Cave- The Mystery of Nature
Congratulations, dear fellow LG @AL_Rahat
Nice photos… 
However, I would like to suggest you to kindly add more details to read so that your post will be more interesting.
If you permit, I would like to suggest the following to you:
I understand that your photo looks fine on your mobile, but many of us use PC (Laptop) to read & respond to your post - the small photos are less impressive compared to Full-Screen photos. So kindly use this method (Here) to edit your beautiful post & keep your photos in full size. I hope that will help you; in case if you need any further assistance to get your post edited, kindly TAG me while replying.
All the best
Thanks @TravellerG for your precious advice. I will try to maintain it well.

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Hello, dear @AL_Rahat
Congratulations on correcting your photos…
Nice to see that…
If you need any assistance in the future, please let me know.
Best wishes for more…
Kindly TAG me in your future posts…
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