Quite unknown places around Jerusalem, Israel


My name is Benny Kedem and I live in Jerusalem, Israel.

In Google Maps one can find already quite a bunch of reviews about almost every place, hence when I write about a known place I try to be objective (as much as one can be) and to give the maximal amount of important information. When I am lucky to find an unknown place and reveal it, it makes me even more happy.

Jerusalem is very famous, however, the areas around are quite unknown. Therefore I’d like to share with you a few photos of the area west to Jerusalem. The first place is the Beit Jimal catholic Monastery, a tiny place worth a visit, called also “Home of the Beauty”. Here how it looks nowadays, the monastery and the view from the road that leads to the place.

On saturdays there are concerts at the place and the small shop offers olive oil and wines, made by the monks.

The next place, which is not far away from the monastery is a small ancient cave from ca. 500 B.C.

The area is full with such caves and archeological sites:

This cave is quite unique, as it has a supporting beam. I’ll conclude with 2 more beautiful landscape pictures from the area: A spring blossom in the Jerusalem mountains and an ancient agricultural area between Jerusalem and Beit-Lehem.

The area is full of interesting culinary opportunities, my next post would cover them…