I generally don’t share unless I was especially moved by something, the criteria required for me to go “I need to tell people about this place” differs from place to place; some place might need just a good conversation with the staff along with equally good food while at some other place only the food will suffice. What they all have in common though is that something stands out; an especially colorful display of feathers in the urban jungle.
There’s this small sushi/ramen place here in Gothenburg run by an older gentleman. There’s a lot about this place that doesn’t speak to the mainstream audiences but if one looks beyond the quirky locale and the not-so-upbeat mood of the owner, one will find a love of food, ingredients and tradition that makes everything else pale in comparison. Also the grumpy owner does tend to lighten up once he gets to know you, if you’re the chatty sort…and I am!
There are plenty of places that I’ve been to but haven’t shared anything about and it’s not because they were terrible, just that they didn’t make me feel anything. And that is what differentiates a good place from all the others, to me at least.