Quickly Add The Next Roads After The Main Road Approval

Caption : A Cover photo showing the Title & a road with construction icons.

What I Want To Explain In This Post :

From few days i noticed that we can add quickly new roads connecting to the main / border road after the approval.
Example : Imagine i found a village there is no drawn roads so I started adding the roads there. Firstly I add the main / border road and submit it. After the approval I need to wait until the road appear on Maps. When it was appearing then I add new street roads by connecting to the main road. (Example end)

But now I noticed that we can connect the roads quickly after getting the approval and no need to wait until the road appear’s on maps.

See this screenshot and marked point there is no road. See that point carefully that is in blue colour, black border / stroke and that is not pointed on road.

See this screenshot and marked point this is correctly pointed on road it means that point is already connected on a road. See difference carefully this point was in black colour, a blue circle inside.

See the last screenshots there is a road but it’s was not pointed there due to i recently submitted that road as “Drawn Incorrectly” and it gotten approved. Soo the 2 screenshots that was pointed on correct road.

My personal experience :
I Submitted few new roads by connecting to the recently approved roads. I submitted this before the road appear’s on maps and the roads is also gotten approved. By seeing the approvals in correct way I started adding / connecting new pending roads quickly. Start adding roads in this way you can save some more time and explore new places in maps for drawing roads.

Please comment your opinion and also let me know there is any mistake in this post.

Thank You.


Nicely explained @Rakshith_LG


Well explained @Rakshith_LG :+1:
Unfortunately, I never got chance to add the road.
Thank you for sharing.


Those are good information @Rakshith_LG


Your post about your experience with photos is very helpful. I like your post @Rakshith_LG.


Detailed and helpful post, thanks for sharing @Rakshith_LG


@Rakshith_LG Thank you for the detailed post.


Nice topic, wonderful tip, and explained neatly :+1:
All illustrations are good @Rakshith_LG

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Very good @Rakshith_LG. This doesn’t only apply to a new village, but anywhere that approval is received.

I’m presently going back through my list of approved roads on the My Contributions page and adding more new roads in the same areas.