Question about adding missing store.

If I add any missing store in google map so who will manage the reply of reviews by local guide or by owner… It’s not my business So what I do?


Hi @samirgadhave

Great question.

Ideal would be that the owner would claim and verify his ownership. This will enable him to manage the listing and reply to messages and reviews from Maps users.

Listings with no owner do not accept messages. Instead Maps Users can ask the community questions. Those are answered by Local Guides like you or me. In many such cases noone will answer.

I hope this helps


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Hello @samirgadhave

It’s not wrong to add missing places on the maps, infact it is one of the numerous responsibilities of local guides across the world to do that. I do that regularly and even today.

Having said that,you are not obliged to manage the businesses you add on the maps. If it’s not yours, then it’s not your responsibility to manage it. When asked in the notification email Do you manage so so business? Yes Get started ! You simply ignore it.

Keep on adding and editing and improving the maps,but don’t worry about managing or replying to the reviews etc. Happy guiding



You can add the place with proper photo timings and other things google will automatically verify if the information are correct

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Thankyou for guiding me… I hope this huge community always help me in every step. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: