Quarantine The return to simplicity

This time have been hard for everybody But it has also been a great opportunity a gift for many of us. Many of us in our daily lives have no time, no time to share with our families, our friends and to share with ourselves.

Quarantine has allowed us to kiss and hug our couple, children, parents, brothers and grandparents or maybe it has given us time to find ourselves, it has allowed us to rest and think without the mental noise of day to day.

It’s hard I know, I know that the economic worries don’t stop, I know that the situation has broken the hearts of many people and that many people have not been as fortunate as us but I want to send a positive message in the middle of this crisis and see the good side of this.

Most of the time we are busy exchanging time for money to buy things that most of us in this quarantine have certainly not used or needed. Our priorities have changed and our way of seeing the world too. It is here where what matters returns prevails and is no longer overshadowed by superficial things.

The earth can breathe, the animals can go out without fear of mistreating. The entire nature celebrates our absence because it is synonymous of peace and tranquility.

The calm returns, the pollution goes away, and the planet earth after many years can have a rest from our devastating influence.

In this tragedy we have the opportunity to realize that what matters is the family health and love that unites us. It is important to remember that although everything seems gray, gray is also a very nice color.


This time have been hard for everybody But it has also been a great opportunity a gift for many of us. Many of us in our daily lives have no time, no time to share with our families, our friends and to share with ourselves.

Quarantine has allowed us to kiss and hug our couple, children, parents, brothers and grandparents or maybe it has given us time to find ourselves, it has allowed us to rest and think without the mental noise of day to day.

It’s hard I know, I know that the economic worries don’t stop, I know that the situation has broken the hearts of many people and that many people have not been as fortunate as us but I want to send a positive message in the middle of this crisis and see the good side of this.

Most of the time we are busy exchanging time for money to buy things that most of us in this quarantine have certainly not used or needed. Our priorities have changed and our way of seeing the world too. It is here where what matters returns prevails and is no longer overshadowed by superficial things.

The earth can breathe, the animals can go out without fear of mistreating. The entire nature celebrates our absence because it is synonymous of peace and tranquility.

The calm returns, the pollution goes away, and the planet earth after many years can have a rest from our devastating influence.

In this tragedy we have the opportunity to realize that what matters is the family health and love that unites us. It is important to remember that although everything seems gray, gray is also a very nice color.

This time have been hard for everybody But it has also been a great opportunity a gift for many of us. Many of us in our daily lives have no time, no time to share with our families, our friends and to share with ourselves.

Quarantine has allowed us to kiss and hug our couple, children, parents, brothers and grandparents or maybe it has given us time to find ourselves, it has allowed us to rest and think without the mental noise of day to day.

It’s hard I know, I know that the economic worries don’t stop, I know that the situation has broken the hearts of many people and that many people have not been as fortunate as us but I want to send a positive message in the middle of this crisis and see the good side of this.

Most of the time we are busy exchanging time for money to buy things that most of us in this quarantine have certainly not used or needed. Our priorities have changed and our way of seeing the world too. It is here where what matters returns prevails and is no longer overshadowed by superficial things.

The earth can breathe, the animals can go out without fear of mistreating. The entire nature celebrates our absence because it is synonymous of peace and tranquility.

The calm returns, the pollution goes away, and the planet earth after many years can have a rest from our devastating influence.

In this tragedy we have the opportunity to realize that what matters is the family health and love that unites us. It is important to remember that although everything seems gray, gray is also a very nice color.

This time have been hard for everybody But it has also been a great opportunity a gift for many of us. Many of us in our daily lives have no time, no time to share with our families, our friends and to share with ourselves.

Quarantine has allowed us to kiss and hug our couple, children, parents, brothers and grandparents or maybe it has given us time to find ourselves, it has allowed us to rest and think without the mental noise of day to day.

It’s hard I know, I know that the economic worries don’t stop, I know that the situation has broken the hearts of many people and that many people have not been as fortunate as us but I want to send a positive message in the middle of this crisis and see the good side of this.

Most of the time we are busy exchanging time for money to buy things that most of us in this quarantine have certainly not used or needed. Our priorities have changed and our way of seeing the world too. It is here where what matters returns prevails and is no longer overshadowed by superficial things.

The earth can breathe, the animals can go out without fear of mistreating. The entire nature celebrates our absence because it is synonymous of peace and tranquility.

The calm returns, the pollution goes away, and the planet earth after many years can have a rest from our devastating influence.

In this tragedy we have the opportunity to realize that what matters is the family health and love that unites us. It is important to remember that although everything seems gray, gray is also a very nice color.


Hi @Lesgiraldo

I totaly agree to You… :+1: :heart_eyes: :+1:

Regards from Slovakia.



:blush: :blush: gracias!!!


@Lesgiraldo the world has cone back to its special time .Am sure many have learnt that life is not the same .The times will pass but they teach us that simplicity is the best way to go


Dear @Lesgiraldo ! I am so glad, that somebody has the same thoughts as I have. I agree with you complitely! Especially that now we have a great opportunity to share our time with our relatives. And our planet and animals, birds have a relax while we are sitting at home.


Siii!!! @Mariya-Lisiya The planet needed to rest!!! Abrazos :hugs:


hi @Lesgiraldo I’ve released this from the spam quarantine. Sometimes the filters that protect us pick up good posts too. I see you’ve posted a similar post so I’ll merge them for you.

Regards Paul


Like a spam!!! :0. Gracias Paul.


Nice photo and great thoughts @Lesgiraldo Thanx for sharing!

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Thanks!!! @OliverKIWI That picture was in Bogota Colombia in a place call “chorro de Quevedo” with my dog Gardel!!!

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Me gusta mucho tu post @Lesgiraldo , llega a la esencia de lo es estar en cuarentena, en estos tiempos, veremos si en general si el mundo se da una nueva oportunidad para cambiar. LAs condiciones estan dadas el tiempo lo dirá.

Saludos Farid.


Hi @Lesgiraldo

I just released the first version of your post from spam quarantine. Our filter is working to protect the community and you from unwanted content, but sometimes it can be triggered by something and remove a legitimate post.

Moderators are patrolling the quarantine to release the good post so, if your post has been rejected, don’t post it again. Simply tag a moderator (check here and here). For more information you can read: Why was my Connect post marked as spam?

For keeping Connect organised, I have merged your post with the latest one. Feel free to edit the post and write additional contents, if you don’t like to see a series of copies with the same text.

I agree with you about the return of simplicity, and the value of simple things. One side of me is waiting to return to a “normal” life, but another side hope that we will learn from this experience, that is teaching us about the real values of the life


hello @ErmesT and @PaulPavlinovich

Thank you, I did not know why I could not see my post so I tried and tried many times without knowing what was happening,

I thought it was because of the photo so I tried with a photo, without a photo and I did not understand what happened.

There are still millions of things to learn here, thank you very much.


@FaridTDF @Muchas gracias, si este tiempo ha sido y será muy difícil, pero debemos ver el otro lado de la moneda y tratar de mantener la fe y el optimismo.



Did you made some edits of your first post?

Repeated edits can indeed trigger the filter.

On the next step, when you try to submit the same content again, the filter identify this as a tentative to spam (submit several times the same content).

Do you mean that there are more posts on quarantine? If so, I am tagging @JavieraAu to see if she can delete your duplicate contents


I couldn’t agree more @Lesgiraldo ! This certainly resignifies many things! Made us all see that things or money maybe weren’t that important after all. I hope with all My heart that when this is over nothing goes back to how it was. That we all learn to pause more, to appreciate more and to respect more.

Thanks for sharing!

  • @kroza I hope the same!!! We can’t come back to the same it’s time to change!!! Hugs from Colombia*