Purpose: zero plastic bag in nature.

Anyone who arrives for the first time in Ouagadougou is shocked by the piles of plastic bags found throughout the city. Some of these garbage piles result from the accumulation of jets of plastic bags for years.
These bags that do not decompose and remain virtually intact over hundreds of years cause enormous harm to the inhabitants. They prevent the plants from growing well, they block the pipes preventing the water from flowing and finally stifle to death the animals that swallow them. These bags cause great nuisance and pollute the environment.
The short-term goal is to block the use of plastic bags and replace them with biodegradable bags.
One of the difficulties is that the non-sensitized population remains attached to these bags which are cheaper and more easily found than the biodegradable bags.
But the greatest difficulty is encountered with indelicate industrialists who despite the laws continue clandestinely to produce these bags.
Activists, of which I am part, of the environmental cause must relentlessly continue to sensitize, through the media and the social networks, the populations on the misdeeds of the plastics. and
They must also by peaceful means compel the rulers to enforce the laws on the protection of the environment