Pureness For Air conditioning Trading and Contracting

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This place is working in air conditioning and ventilation that we are qualified to do this job

  • Address: Nasr city Al Zahraa , Building 2146th Cairo , Egypt.

  • Tel: 01017111138 – 01555199934 - 0020224098758

  • E- mail: purenessster

  • Web site : www.purenessair.blogspot.com

  • Subject: the establishment activity in brief

We are Pureness for Air conditioning Trading & Contracting that working in HVAC & R field (Heating, Ventilation , Air conditioning and Refrigeration).

Has the honor to provide you with the service performed by our establishment in this field as follows:


  • Repairing the units of central A/C systems (Package- Split Dx units - chillers) with their different capacities.
  • Repairing the unit of Refrigeration and freezing of all sorts.
  • Repairing of A/C units (window & split).


Performing the works of Preventive maintenance and periodical maintenance and repairs needed as quick as possible thorough carefully studied maintenance contracts for the following equipment:

  • Central units (Dx type - chillers), units of air handling,

  • Cold stores and refrigeration rooms.

  • Split units widows units.

Supply and installation

  • Supplying and installing window , split and commercial new units and spare parts of H VAC Systems

  • Replacing the used window , split and Commercial units by new ones.

  • Dismantling and re-installing window , split and Commercial units.

  • We have been achieved creative lab company HVAC works (Chilled water works , duct works , insulation works and units installation works) in Down Town building (New Cairo)