Publicar videos en Google Maps

  1. Me parece muy dificultoso, por no decir imposible el subir videos en Google Maps, alguien me puede explicar cómo se hace? O es que ay que llegar a algún nivel especial para poder publicarlas?

To publish a video in Google Maps you can have to follow the same procedure that you are using for posting photos, @B_E_R_TO_aa

You can find a detailed explanation of the procedure for desktop, Android and iOS here: Add, remove, or share photos and videos

If you are using an iPhone / iPad device, to be able to add a video you will also have to follow these preliminary steps to grant the permission of your device to access them: Set photo permissions on your iPhone or iPad

Since this is not an idea, I ask @MashaPS to move it to How Tos , where we post for asking for help.

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Hi @B_E_R_TO_aa

Please use the How-to section for similar questions in the future.

Videos are uploaded in the same way as still photos.

IOS users reported problems with seeing videos in the camera roll in the past. But I believe this was fixed.



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Hi @B_E_R_TO_aa ,

As mentioned above your post is not an idea but rather a question.

To keep Connect organized, I am going to move it to the How Tos section of Connect as this is where you may ask questions share tips and feedback.

I will also mark @ErmesT 's reply as a solution to your question as it gives complete answer to your question. This way when having the same question other Local Guides will be able to find the solution easier.

I am as well going to add the Spanish language label to your post as it is written in the Spanish language. Please take a look at the How do I find posts in my preferred language? article, where you can find how to use language labels and search for posts in your preferred language.

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Se hace de la misma manera que como con los fotos. De hecho se puede subir todo junto. Lo que e recomiendo es que los videos no duren más de 8 segundos (como mucho), ya que más de este tiempo, se tornan pesados para subirlos, y también densos para el usuario. La realidad es que nadie mira un video tan largo en maps… Y más si tarda mucho en cargar. Tratá de que el video sea corto, preciso y consiso. Espero te sea de ayuda!