Proud to earn Great Friend Badge

Proud to earn Great Friend Badge granted to others 769 times. I think giving is better than taking and believe we have to encourage every topics by giving likes especially for new LG’s as it will be an inspiration as a small gesture at the intitial stage at no cost. When you “give” something whether it’s time, help or resources , you are actively taking steps to make a positive impact.

As we all know being a part of Google itself and contribute is always to be proud of. Also we must take every thing in the true spirit as I notice we have many challenges in the initial stage.

Yes miles to go…… Cheers!



Well said. Congratulations dear friend @jojo522 , You are truly my great friend! :+1:

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Well said @jojo522 you have earned this because you are a enthusiastic local guide who tries each day to be better. Keep growing.
Happy New Year

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Congratulations @jojo522 :tada: