Hello world,
My Google phone is always with me since the nexus phones era, so when the google Local Guide program started I was really excited to start sharing my experiences with other people. The google map integration with my phone is helping me sharing information and receiving back experiences from the others.
When visiting a new place years ago I used to buy a guide probably written some years before. Today when I arrive to a new place I’m opening google maps, and I’m able to find good reviews updated to the same day regarding restaurants bar, local attractions, museums.
Tools used in the past like tripadvisor wasn’t helpful, and sometimes the reviews did not live up to my expectations as a consumer.
Today an information gathering similar to open source community for developers source code can guarantee to me that the information are verified expecially when gathered by google local guide with a good rank.
Today when visiting a new place you can obtain important information and in addition you obtain the quality of the experience of the local guides, not only information about the quality of food.
Before entering in a restaurant you can obtain information about wheelchair accessibility, diet restriction (vegan, vegetarian), then I feel fine when contributing with new information.
In Italy the good food is a very important part of our life but sometimes the tourists are not able to choose the restaurant to eat real Italian food, then I’m very happy to help the decision. In addition I’m happy to help the good restaurants to improve their business.
Sometimes at the end of the day I like answering to the questions in google maps, improving the quality of information, I relax and feel better !!!