PROBLEM Photo Street view uploaded on the app can't be accessed / vieved

Hello, this is really a weird and big problem : some of the 360 photos I have recenlty uploaded are uploaded correctly on the street view app (I mean that I can see them on “profile” tab on my street view app but when I try to open them, it shows a black screen with a refresh arrow…) I can share the link and try to open them on my desktop (from laptop) but instead of opening the photo I have chosen it opens me another one.

I have tried reinstalling the app but the problem is still there.

Do you also have the problem ?

Thanks for your help.


I had been making photosphere’s using my iphone and the Google street app without any problems. I have just started using a 360 camera. In order to post, I have to import them into the Google street app then I have to adjust the gps location and select the place name and then upload. They all seem to make it into my account, by this I mean that when I bring up all my posted pictures I see them there. The problem is that when I click on the place name and view the associate pictures, it’s not one of them. Those pictures are clearly not public as I don’t get any views. Does anyone know what’s going on?

Further info:

I have noticed that the images that get posted publicly have thumbnails that are not distorted. By this, I mean that it looks like a rectangular picture of just a segment of the entire 360. The ones that are not posting publicly have distorted thumbnails. By distorted, I mean that the entire 360 shot is crammed into that rectangular image. Now even though the thumbnail is distorted, when I click on it, it will fill the big screen correctly like a 360 photosphere should look.

Both of these examples are taken with the same 360 camera, then imported into the Google streets app, place name and gps info added (within Google app) and then posted.

Here is an example of a 360 that is not posting. Notice the thumbnail is distorted but the photosphere in the big window is correct. Then click on the place name and see if you can find it among the images (not there).,-88.0376305,3a,83y,222.48h,87.32t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipNDvJVRPhNDVSKcNdqK12jB8zEwYMeEgwR-RnO6!2e10!!7i6912!8i3456!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1

Here is an example of a 360 that is posting. The thumbnail is not distorted and it can be viewed publicly.,-88.0358234,3a,75y,168.19h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipMQham2o-nFEtAhWyo11No5Tp53yWxr0GZXLRRp!2e10!!7i6912!8i3456!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1


Hi @T-Guy

The link you shared with us are going to your Google Maps profile.

BTW I have checked some of your recent photos, and in some of them a big part of the nadir Is covered by your hand.

I suggest you to use a tripod, for taking that photos.

Please check the Google Maps Help, and Format Specific Criteria

Hallo Zusammen,

ich habe einen 360° Rundgang für ein Tattoo-Studio erstellt.
Habe die 360° Fotos auf Streetview (via Android App) hochgeladen, auf der Map platziert und miteinander verbunden.

In der Streetview App (Android) funktioniert die Navigation hervorragend, siehe folgendes Video:

Leider funktioniert die Darstellung auf dem Desktop und am Smartphone nicht.


  1. Fehlen die Verbindungen
  2. Fehlt sogar ein ganzer “Raum”, obwohl er in der Streetview App als 360° Foto hochgeladen wurde und die Verbindung dort auch funktioniert.

Kann mir jemand helfen dieses Problem zu lösen?

Vielen Dank vorab!

P.S.: ich habe schon 2x alle Fotos gelöscht, neu hochgeladen und erneut verbunden.
Der Fehler wurde dadurch nicht behoben.



seit neustem kann ich keine 360° Bilder mehr hochladen. Diese werden immer abgelehnt. Was mache ich falsch?

Gibt es momentan Probleme?


It’s the first time I took a 360 panorama picture and tried to upload it, but it got declined by Google. Anyone knows why? Are there any regulations or conditions?


Hello : what do you mean by “declined” ? how do you know it has been declined ?


@SonyaN @AriMar @AngieYC

if someone could share some light ? thanks a lot :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sorry to hear that @Annelies — I myself have done very little with 360 photos but suggest you take a look at these Google*tips and guidelines and hopefully you’ll find it helpful. GOOD LUCK!*

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Because it says: “declined by Maps”.

When I look at approved pictures it also shows 0.

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volevo gentilmente chiedere informazione ,riguardo alle foto 360°.

consigli di come fare foto a 360 ° con smatphone in street view? .

in alternativa quali fotocamere si potrebbero usare.? grazie


heello @Devis79

using a smartphone you can add 360-degree frames. I’ll constantly add with a smartphone …

open the application and there camera icons using the icon you can add 360-degree photos …

Ciao @Devis79 come vai?

I let you here some links that may help you in this fantastic journey of taking 360° photospheres.

Hope this links helps you.

If you have any questions please ask, maybe I could help you


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Hi there!
can anybody help here please?
any idea why google won’t accept these 360 shot?

thx a lot,



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Maps is losing all my best photos:

Here is an example:

I had added several (at the very least 5 (five) images to my review. The best images have disappeared.

I do however see images that absolutely are not of the station itself.

Here is a link to my review:

Check out this review of 34 Street-Hudson Yards Subway Station on Google Maps


Hi @GeraldM ,

Thanks for reaching out!

We will investigate it and will update you soon. Thanks!

I am going to relabel your post to the How-tos section in order to keep Connect organized.

Hallo @NMDKMedia ,

Vielen Dank für Deine Anfrage!

Wir werden den Fall untersuchen und werden Dir bald informieren.

Ich werde Dein Post in einem ähnlichen Post versetzen, da es sich um das gleiche handelt.

Hi @Devis79 ,

Thanks for reaching out!

I am going to merge your post to the ongoing thread in order to keep Connect organized.

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Hi @Annelies ,

Thanks for reaching out!

I am going to merge your post to the ongoing thread in order to keep Connect organized.

Hi @Effektarium ,

Thanks for reaching out!

I am going to merge your post to the similar one in order to keep Connect organized.

We will investigate it and will update you soon.

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