Private Street View trusted community issue

I am facing this issue too many times I don’t know why if i am eligible for this part.

But still i have no respect towards my all time contributions on maps as well as Street view.

I think there should be a valuable perk towards our contributions by Google.

It’s my passion and pleasure to capture the all natural moments in local street area and upload then Google.

A huge data i am giving to maps or street not me only there are too many local guides like me, who are helping people by their contributions.

Best regards

Umar shah


Hi @Umarshah the Street View Community moved out of some time ago you can find them at that is the reason you cannot get to the pages.



Hi @Umarshah ,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

As @PaulPavlinovich mentioned this board no longer exists on Connect and there is no support for trusted users. All of your related queries should be directed to the new Help Center. Let me know if you are unable to access it.

P.S.: With the above said, I will mark my comment as a solution for a better visibility in case someone else has a similar doubts. I will move your post to our How-tos board as well, where Local Guides ask questions and express their doubts. You can learn more about Connect’s labels in this article.


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