Private Message Is Really "Private"?



The private message is needed to more improvements.


The report option is added in our private messaging.

So, we can report unnecessary and bad messages. It’s ok :+1: .

Then the investigation will be done by connect team for that reported messages.

I have thought,

Without reporting is google moderator can check our all private messages?

Like moderators checking most of the posts&comments on the daily base.

Is there any end to end Encryption available in private messaging??

If google moderators are able to read our messages, now how it is still called as Private?

Don’t worry, I didn’t sent any disturbing message to any local guide. :joy: :joy:


I can’t imagine anyone would find anyone else’s private messages interesting enough to read @KishorMali

You have conflicting needs in your request

a) make the messages more private

b) enable me to report messages - which means someone would have to be able to read a private message

Nothing is every truly private in the internet either. Even if you encrypt your message, your receiver needs to be able to decrypt it.

Do you have some specific concern?



Hello @KishorMali
In any system, there are always some superusers who can access anything when the need comes.
That’s required to maintain the integrity of the content.

Since we are using “https”, communication remains encrypted during transport.

As per my understanding, no superuser will look into a PM unless flagged.
But then, I do not find any need private messaging as you can communicate everything through a regular post or comment except for any sensitive personal information.

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Private messages are private for definition, @KishorMali

A private message can be read by the sender and the receiver.

BTW, of course, there is an option for Reporting a Private message. Why? Because Reporting you “unlock” the message, giving in this way the permission to the owner of the platform (represented here by the Google Moderators) to read the message.

There are several reasons for a message to be reported, as you can read in How to: Report a Private Message .

I know this by personal experience, as I had the need to report a Local Guide who was sending me inappropriate messages, and a Googler asked me to “report the message” for them to be able to access it


Do you have specific concern??

No. @PaulPavlinovich

Thanks. @ErmesT @C_T @PaulPavlinovich