
Many local guide Shere personal photos on map

Specially in rural areas

So send him specially massage


Hi @PrasadGidde27

Thank you for reaching us, with an issue that seems to be very common, related to the Maps User Contributed Content Policy.

You can help Google Maps by reporting the wrong photos:

Report a photo on Google Maps
If you see something in Google Maps that is inappropriate or inaccurate, you can let us know.

Search for a place or click it on the map.
On the top left, click the large photo to open the photo gallery.
Click the photo you want to report.
On the left side, click More More and then Report a problem.

For more information about photo and videos uploading, please read Add, remove, or share photos and videos

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Hi @PrasadGidde27 ,

Thanks for reaching out!

I’d like to let you know, that I’m moving your post to the How-tos section, as that is the place where we discuss issues and questions, furthermore thanks for @ErmesT for the fast reply.

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