Pride of the river nile

A statue for the river nile pride from river nile museum in Aswan.

This statue express the legend which was believed in encient Egypt.

Encienct Egyptians used to throw the most beautiful girl in Egypt At cropper day every year in the river nile as she is its pretty pride that makes the nile flood the next year and irrigate the adjacent fields.


Hi @mai,

That was an interesting story to read! I knew that ancient Egyptians had a lot of myths and legends, but I had never heard about this belief.

I fulfilled a childhood dream of mine this year and visited Egypt. I was honestly blown away by the greenery along the river Nile and all the temples and tombs of kings and pharaohs!

We passed by the Nile Museum in Aswan, too, but, unfortunately, couldn’t go in. Luckily, we went on a cruise down the river. What an unforgettable experience!

Have you been on a cruise or travelled by motor boat along the Nile?


Your trip to Egypt seems to be a unique one!

Luxor and Aswan are full of legends and history.

The river nile is like an artery of life for Encient and modern Egypt.

I hope u would repeat the trip soon and i would be glad to accompany u to places worth discovering in the rural districts and places have the unique Egyptian dignity.

Yeah i have been in many of nile cruises in Cairo. Luxor and Aswan despite i live in a rural governaorrate in the north which isn’t popular with tourists but it has unique beauty too. :heart:



Yes, I’d definitely love to repeat my trip to Egypt, @mai !

I spent a week discovering the famous places along the Nile, from Abu Simbel to Cairo. But I’m curious about what the rural areas looks like and what they have to offer.

Hope you can share a post with us with your photos, stories, and some Google Maps location links to help us, other Local Guides, better explore your region. :slight_smile:


Ofcourse i would be happy to make the world know my simple community.

And i am ready to accompany you and even host u and make a memorable meet-up❤ @DeniGu