Today is my birthday. I get congratulations and prayers from my 11 of children. I was really moved to tears.
may God make me better and easier for the benefits. aamiin
Today is my birthday. I get congratulations and prayers from my 11 of children. I was really moved to tears.
may God make me better and easier for the benefits. aamiin
thank you @OmarBD
Hi @Wisnusetiono Happy Birthday to you and best wishes for all.
[Stay Home, Keep Clean, Stay Healthy and Always Be Happy With Your Friends and Family]
Best Regards.
Hi @Wisnusetiono Happy Birthday to you and best wishes for all.
[Stay Home, Keep Clean, Stay Healthy and Always Be Happy With Your Friends and Family]
Best Regards.
thank you @OmarBD , I wish you always success too
thank you @Ratnaker
thank you, nice flower @OmarBD
@Wisnusetiono We are the family…
Happy Birthday again…
yes you are right @Ratnaker , greeting from indonesia
thank you @ShahriarAzadEvan
thank you @TerryGoodman and @AsifAmirBhuyian
Happy birthday @Wisnusetiono
May you blossom in your age like roses
thank you very much @TerryGoodman
thank you @fasi6083
thank you @ShakilAK and @EliKrumova
thank you @TheLifesWay
Thank you @TheEagleEye
Hai @Wisnusetiono .
Happy birthday to you.
You are lucky have two children 8 years old and 11 years such who are loving you so much.
Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.
thank you pak @BudiFXW . i have 11 children , sir hahaha