Potential bug in Local Guides misrecording time spent as a LG

Why am I receiving this email about being a Local Guide for only a year, when i’ve been a LG since the program itself started? Does this have anything to do with the bug I reported that had my account mysteriously suspended and me being banned from LG Connect for no reason?(please see my post history for details). And if so, I wonder how I can report this to be fixed? Thanks in advance.


Your suspicion is correct, @babyfroz

A very unfortunate side effect of being suspended is that the counter “Years as an LG” gets reset when you get unsuspended. I’m suffering from the same problem, and others have reported the same.

I guess Local Guides who do all the work to get unsuspended are very few and our dedication is not so strongly linked to the levels and points as much as helping Maps users, society, and local businesses. So maybe this is not a huge problem.

But maybe it is time to escalate this. At least so future suspensions will not result in this problem also.

All the best



@MortenCopenhagen Why are these suspensions happening, given that there are some very bad profiles out there, selling services and other inappropriate activities and they are not being suspended?

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Hi @GasparKaren

Thanks for asking.

Suspension is something Local Guides can face. We are 150+ million LGs while there are probably 10 times as many Maps users. What I’m saying is that the worst spammers might not be signed up for the LG program.

I agree that too many authentic and honest LGs get suspended, but some are justified.

And I agree that some spammers and fraudsters roam on Google Maps. When we see one, please flag the profile in the app. And in severe or systematic cases feel free to reach out to a moderator for escalation and more swift action. In such cases please do not post the profile url publicly but via private message.

To answer your question more directly: wrongful suspensions happen because the automated system to catch them is not perfect. And more good users should report spam and fraud and Google Maps should react promptly to such cases.




@MortenCopenhagen I agree with all your points, especially when people worry more about these profiles that are not suitable.
Thank you for your explanations.

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