Post for entry - Connect Live 2020

Prompt: What does the Local Guides program mean to you?

My response:

To me as an introvert, the feeling of being in an environment with other people is overwhelming. Though I would like to help people around me with ideas and suggestions, it is a big effort to overcome my natural state of being with myself. Here is where Google’s Local Guides program has come in to help me cross that chasm easily and effortlessly - from the comfort of my room.

I started sharing my ideas and suggestions of local places that I visited with my family or on my office trips. These have helped lots of people so far. As per Google my photos have been viewed over a million times - which means that I am achieving what I wanted without having to go through the stress of being amongst people. My reviews and pictures are helping others just like I wanted.

Am very happy to have joined this program and hope that it continues to grow and help people like me achieve goals more easily!!

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