I just wanted to say that this last year I made a POINT to go OUT of my way to make positive posts as often as bad reviews about places. After working 30 years in the service industry I can just say…people are WAY more inclined to leave a review for a bad experience than to stop thank for the good things people do! You know what I found out? I have a lot more good experiences than bad while out and about. What about you guys? Do you make it a point to leave a good review as easy as a negative one?
@bestjesswest thanks for sharing
I leave a review about almost every place I go. So I would say that the vast majority of my reviews are positive for myself.
Though I agree that people are more incline to leave a negative review than a good one. I think it’s one of the reason I’m giving my honest opinion about each place I go, and not only to the “bad” ones
Hola @bestjesswest gracias por compartir, para mi depende de la experiencia que tenga, si la experiencia es positiva que se merece una buena critica, destacando cuales son los aspectos que hacen que la critica sea positiva.
Ahora cuando la experiencia es neutro a prefiero hacer una critica conservadora, marcando cuales son los “puntos de mejora”, ya la experiencia negativa puede ser por muchos motivos.
Lamentablemente cuando sentimos que realmente nos dieron un mal servicio, es como tu indicas, estamos mas inclinados a dejar nuestra queja donde sea y muchos casos Google Maps es el primer lugar que usamos para ello
Saludos Farid
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