My repeated submission to correct Pope John XXI to Pope John XXIII were rejected because it could not be verified.
I finanlly found new evidence to support my argument. Under the statue is the inscription of Pacem in terris. This means Peach on Earth, a papal encyclical issued by Pope John XXIII on 11 April 1963 on the rights and obligations of individuals and of the state, as well as the proper relations between states. (Wikipedia)
I submitted the “edit” again 2 days ago, along with new evidence. I hope this time there is no more but’s or if’s.
I work very hard to get to where I am, achieving close to Level 10, attracting more than 1 million review views, 47 million photo views.
I add several new shops open in my area lately, but unfortunately Google Maps has been rejecting them because they can’t be verified. Let’s be honest, why should I take the trouble to add these places and take photographs to support my find? No all business operators use Google Maps, and claim business ownership. There are too busy to stay afloat, especiallythe small owners / operators. I am very disappointed and feel like giving up after the past few years of hard work.
There is a site that Google Maps keeps rejecting my suggested correction, that is John Paul XXIII monument in Warsaw. Under the statue is the inscription “Peace on Earth”, an yet some smart Alec keeps refusing to change the entry of the original site name of Pope John XXI. The Polish name given for the site is for Pope John XXIII. Please let intelligence prevail.
I have also suggested a lot of the photos be removed from certain sites. These photos are total irrelevant and strictly speaking, they are spams. If Google Maps is to stay relevant to the users, then the content should stay relevant and accurate.
Please note that I am going to relabel your post to the How-tos section of Connect. This is the place where you may ask questions, share tips and feedback.
It is indeed Pope John XXIII, @ArmchairTravel , as mentioned in several reviews in Maps
Pope John XXI lived in the 13th Century, and was the first Portuguese Pope, but he’s not the one in the statue. And “Pacem in terris” was written for sure by Pope John XXIII (when I was a child).
A few days ago I’ve tried an edit myself, and it still “Pending” @MashaPS
I am most disappointed and upset that the submission to correct the name to Pope John XXIII has once again being rejected. What is going on here? What other verification method is required to make those smart Alec to back off not to spoil the reputation of Google Maps as a useful tool?