E’ il piu’ lungo ponte sospeso di Norvegia attraversa l’omonimo fiordo Hardangerfjord siamo vicini a Bergen.
Great photo @Fede1973 and it looks like a beautiful place. As well as vehicles do you know if there are separate and isolated safe walking and cycling paths on the bridge?
Ciao @AdamGT Si…A fianco delle corsie per le auto c è un altra corsia usata dai pedoni e dagli operai addetti alla manutenzione io sono passato in auto e ho parcheggiato nel porto sottostante per fare le foto… a fine ponte c’è anche un tunnel… Stavo andando da Oslo a Bergen.
Aren’t the tunnels in Norway are amazing @Fede1973 . I remember driving in one and somewhere along the way there was a roundabout and you could go in 4 different directions, in 4 different tunnels!!! Of course you see this all the time above ground but to see this in a tunnel below ground I had never seen it before.
@AdamGT e’ vero e poi sono illuminati con luci colorate sembra di entrare nel centro della terra
Yes exactly @Fede1973 . To me it felt like there was another city below the ground with a network of roads underground going in all directions…it was very impressive. I think Norway is a rich country to be able to do all this.
- @AdamGT it is very rich and really expensive for tourists…*
Yes agree @Fede1973 very expensive for tourists but I think the Norwegians are well looked after by their government with services (e.g. infrastructure as well as health cover etc).
@AdamGT I agree again … the Norwegian state is the strongest in the world right now thanks also to oil…unemployment rate among the lowest in the world right now they are building many new roads and investing in infrastructure .
In Norway there are 6 million inhabitants in Italy we are 60 million with the same territory …they are in Europe but they don’t have the Euro …
Wow I didn’t know that @Fede1973 . But still I love Norway and one day will post more of my photos of my travels there. In the meantime, I am enjoying yours
Grazie Adam … @AdamGT
Ciao @Fede1973 ,
Grazie per aver pubblicato un’altra bella foto del tuo viaggio in Scandinavia. Il ponte di Hardanger è veramente maestoso! Immagino che attraversarlo offra una vista eccezionale sul fiordo.
Mi hai ricordato un altro ponte che poco tempo fa ha meritato una mezione speciale: Photo of the Week: Canyon Junction Bridge by Local Guide Carlos Lopez. Hai caricato questa foto su Google Maps?
Ciao @Giu_DiB è un ponte maestoso… la foto è fatta con il drone …