I have read old socalled solutions that points can be delayed but enough is enough. I try to be a good contributor still all my edits that are accepted (confirmed by email) are not reflected in my points count. Waiting for days and they don’t show up. Making reviews are leading to points credited within hours but nothing for edits. Could you please fix this or I will need to stop contributing.
Hi @MortenCopenhagen thanks for letting us know. Are you not seeing the points in the Maps app on mobile, on desktop or here on Connect?
If it is Maps App then please check on desktop - if you see them there but no the App then clear the local data on the App and try again. If it is consistent then let me know and I can escalate for you.
If the points seem to be missing here on Connect then sign out using your avatar and sign in again to re synchronise Connect to Maps.
Regards Paul
Hi Paul
Thanks very much for your prompt response.
I watch my points score in my android phone map app, on my PC in a chrome browser and in the Map app on my Ipad. All three show the exact same number. So I guess nothing is to be gained by clearing App data.
The score is not moving after any edits. I don’t watch my score here on localguidesconnect.com.
I would really appreciate if you would escalate this issue.
Thanks a million.
Maybe I need to include @PaulPavlinovich
Cheers from Copenhagen.
PS hope to visit your wonderful city again in August.
Hi again @MortenCopenhagen thanks for the clarification I will ask the Googlers to take a look at your profile.
Regards Paul
Thanks a million @PaulPavlinovich
Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,
Thanks for reaching out and sharing you feedback on Connect.
I would like to kindly ask you to provide us screenshots to show your profile and the number of points and contributions you’ve added lately and what type of locations/reviews/edits you are trying to add to Google Maps.
Please keep in mind that some of your contributions may be marked as private if they do not adhere to our policies (reviews, photos and videos, community). Please read the Google’s review policies.
To check your contributions, please follow these steps:
Click the points bar at the top of the Contribute tab to see your points breakdown.
You’ll see your total points and the number of points for each contribution type.
We calculate your points depending on your contributions on Google Maps. Please check this article for more details.
Points may take 24 hours to update.
As you know already you can earn points by contributing content to Google Maps. Score a place with ratings, describe your experience with reviews, share photographs and videos, provide insights with answers, respond to questions about a place, update information with place edits, add missing places, or verify information by checking facts.
Hi @KatyaL
I really appreciate that you care to help me with this issue.
As suggested please find screen dumps below. (Sorry I use google maps and Gmail in both Danish and English so some text is in Danish. Let me know if you need any translations).
I’m sure my edits are accepted and not kept private since I get emails confirming they are published. See first screen dump. Many of the edits that I don’t get points for are moving pins closer to the front entrance or away from being dropped in the middle of the street.
I believe I have made at least 60-100 of such edits in the past week and none of them results in points. I also don’t see that my count of edits is increasing. But when I make a review or add some new pictures these lead to new points within hours (for sure within the 24 hours normal waiting time mentioned by you).
You can see my edits count is 315 and total points at present close to 13.000 in pic 2.
On the last pic, you can see my most recent edits listed in the IOS app. I can grab more pages if you like.
My suspicion is that there is a fault in your algorithms to allocate points to local guides. Alternatively that you don’t reward local guides for moving pins to the correct spot.
I don’t know if this might help you: I switch between using the android maps app on my phone, the IOS maps app on my Ipad and Chrome on my PC laptop all the time. And my points are reflected correctly across the three platforms nicely. My concern is that I don’t get credits for all the edits that I believe I’m entitled to.
Looking forward to being motivated to contribute to google maps again soon. Cheers and thanks.
Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,
Thanks a lot for taking your time to edit and improve Google Maps.
To have a better understanding of your issue, I would like to ask you to provide us the following information:
Since when are you facing this issue with the missing points when you’re changing the marker location of places?
Which version of the Google Maps app are you currently using?
Hi @KatyaL
It is not possible to say exactly how long this problem has existed. My suspicion has been brewing for 1-3 months and only 1-2 weeks ago I was able to identify exactly what the problem was/is. And I have been testing to validate my suspicion for a good week now. And I’m now 100% sure that I’m not getting points for moving pins to their correct position.
Android: 10.11.1 (#1011101244)
IOS: 5.12.4
Chrome on WIN 10 : Version 72.0.3626.119 (Officiel version) (64-bit)
Best regards
Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,
Thanks for the additional details. We will investigate your issue further.
Hi @KatyaL
The numbers mentioned above for Android and IOS are Google Maps App versions.
I’m not sure where to find the App version in Chrome hence I just gave you the Chrome version. I just use the browser and visit https://www.google.dk/maps so maybe I’m not using an app on my PC laptop.
Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,
Thanks for the details and for your patience.
We’re looking into the issue and will let you know when we have further information.
Hi @KatyaL
Overnight I suddenly got about 5-700 extra points out if nowhere. Could it be that someone is working on this problem? Cheers.
Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,
Thanks for your confirmation that the issue now doesn’t appear any more and you can see your points.
I hope you will have fun contributing to Google Maps
Hi @KatyaL
Sorry to inform you that this issue is not solved. Yesterday I went berserk and made up 138 edits all of which I got emails confirming the edits will be published. I counted them in my inbox. They are not added to my count of edits and I certainly haven’t been rewarded the 5 points promised. Please do what you can to keep us local guides motivated to clean up duplicates, move pins to show the entrance and remove listings that are just private homes etc.
I was happy that maybe more than 80% of my edits yesterday was approved within minutes. A few days back that was not the case. Cheers and looking forward to learning how and when this will be fixed.
Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your concerns about your contributions and points.
If you’ve made your edits yesterday, you would need to wait a bit longer until they get published and your points get calculated. If your edit is Pending, that means we’re still reviewing it. We may need additional information to verify that your edit is accurate.
Please check their status in your Contributions tab and please provide us a screenshot.
Thanks for your quick response, @KatyaL
I only counted edits that were “Published” according to the subject line in the emails from google maps. The edits to be reviewed are not counted in the 138 successful edits.
The figure 455 for edits in the pic below has not moved for days now.
Further down I have included a couple of screen dumps showing some of my published edits.
I have been testing this for quite a few days now, so I’m pretty sure that the 138 * 5 points are not showing up if we wait another 24 hours. But let’s wait and see.
All the best and thanks for your kind help.
Hello again @KatyaL
As expected my points counter has not moved since yesterday. Now it is well over 24 hours since I made the last of 138 edits.
I really hope you will be able to fix this lingering problem.
I read about issues related to making edits that are inside another POI. None of the 138 are inside another.
Al the best and thanks again.
Hi @KatyaL
Tonight my edits count suddenly jumped to 605 and points were awarded also. I wonder if edits might only be counted and updated once a week or so. Or did you manually bumped my edits up? It would be nice to know.
Sorry I deleted the 3 screen dumps in my from my Google photos. Did not realise it would delete them here on localguidesconnect also.
Cheers an happy week end.