Does anyone know if this is a new bug or how to fix it? I’m asked to answer questions and ‘awarded’ new points, but then they don’t add to my total. I’ve now stopped answering!!
@SimmoUK There will be delays to some points to be listed under your total contribution. Eventually it will be updated, but just need to wait for a while.
@MortenCopenhagen wrote quite a nice article with regards to this matter
Hi all, i answers several questions from map and also check the facts, usually the point is adding to “answer point”. But lately the point is not increasing? Why the number of answer not increasing? Do you have any solution? Thx
Thanks @iyudhi . And thanks @MortenCopenhagen for the link to the informative article.
I raised the issue because I noticed a change. I often seek directions on Google to places I’ve been before, and receive the prompt: “Do you know this place?”. Having said “yes” and then answered a series of “yes / no / not sure” questions, I’m awarded points. These points have always instantly appeared in my total. Since last Saturday this has not happened, and my contributions for the day state zero.
Points from photos and reviews continue to give instant updates, but these answers do not. Nor are they added six days later. Hence I asked if this was a deliberate change, a bug, or an issue with my account.
Thanks again!
Hi @SimmoUK
Based on feedback from other Local Guides I suspect there might be a bug at play here. You are not the first one to report this problem. But it is hard to tell for sure. Keep in mind that we currently seeing a 5-day dry spell in getting our contribution stats updated.
Maybe @DeniGu would consider escalating this to the relevant tech team.
Thank you for tagging me, @MortenCopenhagen .
Hi @SimmoUK , to understand what you’re experiencing and share as many details with the relevant teams as possible, please let me know:
Was last Saturday (February 18) the first time you noticed this happening?
Do you see a “Thank you” note on the screen and a card with how many points you’ve earned from answering the yes/no questions once you’re done answering?
When was the last time you contributed Answers? Could you try doing it again and let me know what happens?
Is the Auto-delete setting in your My Activity turned off? (Find out how My Activity is related to Answers here.)
Which Google Maps version are you using, and is it the latest available update?
Thank you very much!
Hallo, @Rosa , I can confirm the issue, that I have been able to replicate.
I am tagging here @InaS to escalate the issue with the team. Ina, If you need more details please let me know
I can’t say the exact day when the issue started, but indeed I can confirm it.
Yesterday I made some test with my Pixel, with Android 12, updated on Feb 1st. and Map version 11.68.0700
I gave a lot of answers, always receiving the message about the points, sorry no screenshots, then I checked a fact, and I took the screenshot to see where te points were credited (answer or fact checking) so I discovered that no points were given
Hi @ErmesT ,
I appreciate the explanation! From your screenshot, I can see that you tried checking the facts and you didn’t get points for that. Since @SimmoUK flagged that they don’t receive points for Answers, the pop-up questions you see when clicking on “Know this place?,” can you please try answering some of those?
Hi @Rosa ,
Thanks for reaching out. Can you please confirm with us if you were checking facts or answering the quick yes/no questions?
Also, can you share with us the operating system of your device, and Google Maps version?
Thank you a lot for the tag, @ErmesT ! If you can add your information here too would be great.
Sorry @DeniGu I wasn’t clear.
I responded to a lot of answers, always receiving the message about the accredited points (sorry no screenshots) but without any point received.
Later I will try to replicate it again
Thank you @ErmesT ! I also tried to replicate this earlier, and the points haven’t updated for me either so far. However, I will give it a bit more time while also waiting for yours and @SimmoUK 's response.
I recall that others have reported that points for Checking Facts show up under Answers. I don’t know if this is relevant to include in this investigation. For your information, I have stopped answering questions and checking facts for some months now due to the suspicion that the points are not working as expected. Ermes, don’t judge me for being motivated by the points
Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,
It is true that points for Checking the facts have been counted towards Answers - @ErmesT flagged this some time ago, and the teams are looking into it.
In this case, however, as I understand, Local Guides don’t earn points at all. This is what I’m trying to confirm so I can escalate this to the responsible teams. I appreciate you sharing about your experience!
Thanks for confirming @DeniGu
In any case I’ve found a few minutes to replicate it
As you can see, points are not changed, and the number of answers is exactly the same that I had yesterday
Points are not my motivation too, @MortenCopenhagen , but answering questions may help Maps to improve the experiences especially when people is looking for some product, so why not to do it?
Of course, @InaS
I’ve shared them here and here
Since the other post appears to be on the same topic I think you should merge them
I don’t know why - maybe answering questions is just not my thing
I was surprised to see that you expected the points to be added to your total within 2-3 minutes. I was of the belief that the total points only get updated once or twice a week. But I was wrong and you were right. I made a screen shot of my points total, then added a new and long review and then took another screenshot. Voila, the 21 points were added immediately. Learing every day - thanks.
Hehe, @MortenCopenhagen , we wrote a post about that, isn’t it?
Did I said something different in there?
HeHe Yes we did, @ErmesT
Normally I make a ton of contributions so I just never thought it was possible to see the total getting updated in real-time 1:1 with “older” contributions getting counted continuously and in batches creating too much noise.
You were right.