Today I was on a photo walk, I found several new business facilities, and again I can not add anything to the Maps - my edits are automatically rejected.
Please assist me to remove restrictions from my LG profile. For more than one month I can’t able to do almost anything on the Maps. Most of my edits are automatically rejected. It hurts me as a Local Guide, it hurts all Maps users because I cannot help them as a Product Expert. It hurts local businesses, which I can neither add nor fix. This is just absolute evil for all.
You’ve already tagged Google Moderators but I’ll try my best to make it easier for your understanding…
There is no restriction on your profile. Everything is happening due to trust score towards Google Map. Trust score is a kind of analytical graph for every local guide who counts the positive and wrong edits from local guides. For example you’ve made an edit to move a marker of any POI and others accepted it via check the facts section or google maps approved it. This edit will count towards your positive score. In case of negative edits it is opposite to the positive one. I’m not saying you’ve made several wrong edits. This graph applied for all local guides. Keep calm and read the useful information shared by Google Moderator in below post…
Thank you for your explanations, but it’s not true. I have 10 years of experience on Google Maps. My experience and the current situation says that there is a restriction on my profile. Is not happening due to “trust score towards Google Map”. Previously I could make changes on the maps, publish new objects, correct old objects, but now all these changes are denied instantly and automatically, without moderation, and there are roots for this behavior - the profile has been blacklisted. The reason is a massive attack on Maps. Have a look here. Many profiles are mistakenly banned last month.
If you are submitting an edit, which has already been suggested by another local guide, but is not through yet - you get a rejection immidiately. The edit may still be pending, you cannot know it, but Google knows.
Well, theoretically it is impossible, and is clearly can be seen on screenshot - all changes I’m taking are NOT pending, but AUTOMATICALLY immediately DENIED.
Sorry, I’m made the thread not because I need explanation that everything is going well and fine. I know there is not, and is can be solved by team. I can do it in bad way, or in right way. Right way, is to ask for assistance here. Bad way, is to disturb my Google Forum Guide, she will disturb Maps Product Manager, he will disturb other Googlers etc. I don’t want to make global issue because I’m Product Expert, I want to do it as a normal user.