Please added Safety logo, signboards to our map

We are all Google Local Guides and we update our opinions, experiences and what’s good about the places we visit. Because of that, many benefit without realizing it. I would like to suggest that in the things we update, we should include some updates about safety so that others will also know about it. Not only do we give our review but safety logo, safety sign etc. should be visible in the map.

@AdamGT @DeniGu


Being able to add safety features in Maps has been discussed for a long time @Raj_Tayade there are large overlays for things like floods, bushfires and other emergencies and from time to time there have been trials around topics such as women’s safety.

The challenge with saying a place is not safe, is that it could be in the perception of the person making the post. If someone perceives a given place as unsafe and marks it so in Maps it could influence the local economy to the point that it becomes challenging to live there.



@PaulPavlinovich sir thank you for your reply to my post. According to you, if someone gives such a mark, then surely the result will not be correct
But we can rate it by asking some questions like
Food, service, atmosphere should be given the same rating

  1. Fire Extinguisher
  2. Safety signboard, are there?

I think unsafe conditions and unsafe location both are different…


@Raj_Tayade : Denkt u dan aan het toevoegen van dit soort info zoals dat nu kan voor eten en drinken bij restaurants? Ik weet niet hoe dat in uw land gaat, maar in België b.v. moeten restaurants etc. voldoen aan veiligheidsvoorschriften di normaal gezien ook daadwerkelijk door brandweer etc. gecontroleerd worden. Nooduitgangen etc. moeten duidelijk aangegeven zijn, om maar iets te zeggen. Ik tag even @JanVanHaver , zodat hij me eventueel kan corrigeren. @Raj_Tayade : isschien is het handig als u even aangeeft hoe u precies dat soort info als nooduitgangen etc. zou willen aanduiden op maps. Als dat bij wet verplicht is, zie ik niet goed hoe je dat op maps kan aangeven, tenzij je grondplannen van het interieur van een gebouw zou opnemen en dat gebeurt al in bepaalde landen bij b.v. luchthavens etc. Helaas is niet alles in maps overal beschikbaar.M

@Raj_Tayade what is deemed safe in one part of the world and what is deemed safe in another part of the world are very different.

It is not up to Google or us to police safety concerns, that is a matter for government.

You can mention these things in your review.



Ok @PaulPavlinovich thanks :pray: :+1: