I went on maps to find a specific place but it’s not showing there but doing a search a Google search shows it and offered the map location. How do we get a location to show on maps when we go on there? I cannot see an option in suggest an edit option when I get it in Google search.
مرحبا @steview
تحتوي الخرائط علي العديد من الاماكن والانشطة والمعالم ، بعض هذه الاماكن يظهر مباشرة دون اجراء ( وهذا بخضع لاهميته واجراءات البحث عنه ) والبعض الاخر لا يظهر الا بالبحث عنه ، وبمجرد العثور عليه والنقر علي الخرائط للمرة الأولى يظل في الظهور بعد ذلك ( لديك )
كما يمكنك اجراء عمليات تكبير الخريطة وتصغيرها وأثناء ذلك ستظهر لك بعض الاماكن والتي لا تظهر في الوهلة الاولى
I’ve tried the zooming in and out. The shops either side are there, which I never searched for before. I will see if clicking on it in Google will add it.
Nope, it opens their Google page with address and photos etc but does not take me to the location or show a pin or dot
Not all the place are visible in maps, @steview , as already explained by @MAHMOUDALWAN
The visibility of a place depends of several factors, included the popularity of a place (number of photos and reviews), amount of times the place is searched, if the place have a storefront, etc.
Normally this is not an issue, as normally the easier way to find a place in Maps is by searching for the name or tha category.
Can please share the link of the place you are looking for? Some more detail will help us to help you.
There is a specific reason for having that specific place directly visible on Maps?
Hi @steview
Google Maps is trying to be helpful. That’s all.
If each and every POI should be shown on the map they would need to be stacked and overlay each other making the map completely useless = too congested in many areas. Just think of down town in a huge city with skyscrapers.
Google tries to adapt to you and show the pins that you are likely to be interested in. So we don’t see the same POIs.
The only way to make sure if a place is on the map or not is not to zoom in to check. In stead we have to make a text search. Text search will also show places that could not fit on your map.
I hope this helps. I’m just explaining what was already said - just with other words.
Hello @steview
That’s an interesting finding.
Nevertheless, if you can share a link to the place, that will help in understanding the anomaly in a better manner.
Further, I have noted the following aspects while searching for some places.
→ Web search allows many modifiers and the domain is not necessarily restricted to a specific region.
However, not all modifiers are available in a text search in Maps. Still, putting a quotation mark around the search text improves accuracy.
→ Search result in Maps is affected by the size of the viewing window. Zooming in or out modifies that considerably.
→ However, the moment you get two entries in search results, on zooming or panning a prompt appears at the top suggesting " Search this area". Then that brings out many more results, which otherwise weren’t visible initially.
→ It wouldn’t be possible to display pin location for every place. That will clutter the view.
Text search is the correct way to do so.
In any case, if you reach a Maps location through a browser search, you can save the pin location in your private list. That will ensure an unhindered availability of that POI without any further efforts. There is no need for an edit to achieve that.
Here’s the link. Dropped pin
Near 684 West Rd, Denton Burn, Newcastle upon Tyne NE5 2UR
I added it to my favourites list manually
That makes sense, but when searched on Google browser it still won’t take me to the location on maps when I tap on it
Is this one the business you are talking about?
Well, I don’t really see an issue in there, as the business is searchable in Google Maps with a simple search: Hair Salon in the area
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@MortenCopenhagen Reflection. It’s a hairdressers /hair salon
I see it ok, but it strikes me that a place with 31 reviews has zero photos.
I don’t think there is a problem here, a @steview .
مرحبا بالسادة جميعا
مرحبا @steview
يبدو ان الرابط الذي ارسلته هنا هو رابط لمكان التقاط الصورة ٣٦٠ ( حيث تم التقاط الصورة تحديدا ) ، وليس رابط موقع ( الصالون لتصفيف الشعر ) ، وللعلم فإن جوجل تقوم باضافة الصورة ال ٣٦٠ لعدد من واجهات الانشطة القريبة من مكان التقاط الصورة ، ولكن تظل الصورة في مكانها حيث تم التقاطها ، تحياتي الحارة لك وللجميع ، آمل ان يكون ردي صحيحا