Hi everyone!
Sometimes, creating a place takes a lot of time. For example, I created a place and made some edits, but it’s been pending for more than 24 hours. Meanwhile, other edits I made after this were accepted quickly!
Is it normal??
Hi everyone!
Sometimes, creating a place takes a lot of time. For example, I created a place and made some edits, but it’s been pending for more than 24 hours. Meanwhile, other edits I made after this were accepted quickly!
Is it normal??
Ja, ich habe auch dieses manchmal sehr seltsame Verhalten. Abwarten und Tee trinken. Wenn sich nichts ändert löschen und einen neuen Versuch starten
Thanks for your suggestion bht deleting and trying again really works?
Es braucht manchmal mehrere Versuche, aber ja @Adnan_Hasan
Got it. Thanks a lot.
Google uses a combination of machine learning and human moderators to review and edit content on Google Maps. Sometimes due to technical issues/other issues it may goes up to 3 to 4 months for denial/approved/accepted. There is no set time framework for moderation of edits.
Hi Adnan. Make sure that the edits you are trying to make (or create) are visible off Google as well. Such as the business website, social media profiles, and in major directories. If the information is different, it’s possible that Google is unsure of the details you’ve provided.
Hi Jannell!
Thanks for your suggestion.
Hi @Adnan_Hasan
The approval of an edit depends on the possibility of verifying it
As you can read in Why is my edit status “Pending” or “Not Applied”?
Like @VishalSaini said
However, if an edit cannot be verified is not due to technical issues, but to the simple fact that the AI is not able to find enough information to verify it.
@JannellCH is absolutely correct in this
Reading your explanations Ermes, leads to the conclusion, deleting a pending edit or addition and trying again, is not a good approach and might be even counterproductive …?
Yes and no @WilfriedB
I mean, you cannot delete a pending edit, you have to wait until it’s rejected or approved.
But submitting the same identical edit more than once will not help to have your edit approved. On the contrary, your profile could be flagged as “potential spammer”
Hey Ermes! Thanks for your last reply. It will help lots of people.
You are welcome, @Adnan_Hasan , happy to help, and sorry again for coming so late on your post