Place creation issues.

I note that since the recent overhaul of GM the following issues have arisen in relation to the addition of missing places:

(i) Place creations being considered are no longer shown in the list of LG edits so itʼs difficult to establish their status (i.e. whether or not theyʼve been applied);

(ii) The location of the places I tried to add is being incorrectly shown (as I see by clicking on the photos I uploaded at the time) as 0° longitide and 0° latitude – that is to say very definitely in the Atlantic Ocean;

(iii) It seems almost impossible to successfully add a missing place (perhaps, unsurprisingly, because of their supposed location).

Is anyone else (a) experiencing these problems; and/or (b) know what the hec is going on; and/or (c) have any solutions??