Place creation, edit etc most satisfying.

Screenshot of the Notification.

Help others you will be helped. Today Google maps plays an essential role in our day-to-day life. It’s difficult to sum up all the functions and nature of the help community is benefited. I found a small correction or addition of missing places can easily be added and edited. Which are helpful to the community and users. Process is simple like adding a place of attraction Google guides the LG, accordingly we have to follow and after submission it becomes live. Isn’t simple and interesting.

My ninety percent edits are approved and alive, which are continuously helping the people as I am also benefited by others contribution.

It’s most satisfying activity and thankful to Google Maps for this feature. Request it should be adopted by all to make this accurate and authentic.


@rizbab28 I’m with you on that brother very satisfying


Nice work @rizbab28 . Keep contributing

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