Pizza Dinner [VIRTUAL]

Pizza Dinner [VIRTUAL]


55100 Lucca, Province of Lucca, Italy

April 08, 2020 @ 19:00 (CEST)

Ciao, ti va una pizza? Allora perche’ non unirti alla nostra pizzata … virtuale! Mi raccomando pagnotta preparata o comprata alla mano, si stende la pizza, si decora e via nel forno per poi mangiarla in compagnia. Divertimento assicurato per passare una mini serata in compagnia anche se virtualmente. Piano di backup, fatti portare una pizza d’asporto ;-). Il link per la sessione sara’ condiviso tramite messaggio agli iscritti 15 minuti prima. ~~~~~ Hello, do you pizza? Then join our pizza dinner … virtually! Get prepared with a dough or just buy it at the supermarket, we will decorate and cook the pizza together, and of course eat it! Have some fun also if virtually. Backup plan: just order a delivery pizza ;-). The session link will be shared via a message to the attendees 15 minutes before starting.

Conferma la tua partecipazione qui


Sounds like fun. I’ll check what time it will be in Sydney.


Yeah @PennyChristie , we came up with this crazy idea … indeed to have fun :blush: . You are more than welcome if you want to join but I believe it should be 4:00am in Sydney in this timeline, late night appetizer :sweat_smile: .

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Early pizza breakfast perhaps. Haha. I will definitely be sleeping but I can’t wait to see photos and read all about it. Enjoy @LuigiZ


Ciao @LuigiZ ! I really loved this meetup idea!! I had a similar one, so we can enjoy eating together virtually.

Would love to participate but io non parlo molto bene l’italiano :disappointed:

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Thank you very much @PennyChristie , LOL indeed better an early breakfast… why not :joy: .

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Great @DianaTuaty , nice to read you are doing that too … of course we attempted with Pizza LOL, cook and eat it :wink: . Btw if you want to join don’t worry about the language, we can speak Italian / English / Portuguese haha :blush: .


Awesome @LuigiZ ! I will definitely try to join, it will be in the afternoon here, but eating some slices as a snack would be great. I have to warn you my only Italian is Ciao and I’m not even sure if I pronounce it right :sweat_smile:

Thankfully we have English in common, and Argentine Spanish isn’t so different if we want to try understanding each other :grin:


Hey @LuigiZ is this going to be an Italian speaker meet-up? If not, I think I can join myself with you :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry, I didn’t read Jesi and Diana comments. If we try English a little I’m in!!!
I can try Italian, why not hahahaha

See you


An afternoon slice of pizza is never a bad idea @Jesi , you are more than welcome to join … we can mix Italian, English and Spanish LOL :laughing: .

@RogerOhayashi you are more than welcome as well, yes we have the Italian team but no worries as we can speak English too :wink: .


Hi @LuigiZ

I’m with you for this pizza Meetup.

Dear everybody.

Don’t worry for the language. Join this pizza with us…



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Wonderful @Giuseppe7980 , I’ll wait for you :muscle: :pizza: .

@LuigiZ I will join… PM me the join link. :-). .

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Wonderful @StephenAbraham , see you later :blush: :pizza: .

Thanks for having me, @LuigiZ . I was sad that my meeting ran later but was so happy to join.

Here are some pics I took while making my focaccia dough:


Oh nice pictures @TraciC , especially my table were mostly are visible only (empty) alcohol bottles :joy: … thank you for joining, it was super pleasure!

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