- 圓形的小麥餅,在烘烤時高溫使餅皮中間膨脹,就如同口袋一般
- 起源
- 中東& 地中海地區- 又叫:
- 阿拉伯薄麵包 Arabic thin bread
- 口袋餅/口袋麵包
- 口味
pita bread 單指"餅皮"
Souvlaki_pita (串烤)
- 希臘文_ Souvlaki =小鐵桿->衍伸為串烤菜餚的總稱
Gyros pita
- 希臘文Gyros=旋轉的肉
- 將肉製於旋轉烤肉架上烤,在切成薄片(非常類似於沙威瑪)
pita bread 單指"餅皮"
Souvlaki_pita (串烤)
Gyros pita
The bread with chicken shawarma looks delicious @chiaooo Garlic sauce and cheese will enhance the flavor.
@chiaooo 我也喜歡Pita 非常喜歡吃希臘菜
Thank you for sharing the details of Pita @chiaooo . It looks delicious. Does it a kind of Burger?
It looks like Berger.
Hi @chiaooo
That looks so delicious. Where did you have this? Could you also include a Google Maps link to the location? I love pita bread, it’s really good. There’s a lot of great kebabs near by where you can buy this and it’s really tasty.
What kind of kebab do you have? What other options do they serve there?
Thanks for sharing.
@fasi6083 Thanks for sharing!! Next time I will try it
@Wei929 耶 找到同好
而且感覺滿健康的 營養均衡